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But all's for the best, at any rate, and that's a comfort." Just at this moment Mary's clear voice at the door announced that tea was on the table. "Coming, this very minute," said Miss Prissy, bustling up and pulling off her spectacles. Then, running across the room, she shut the door mysteriously, and turned to Mrs. Scudder with the air of an impending secret.

As it is, it must be confessed that the arrival of Miss Prissy in a family was much like the setting up of a domestic show-case, through which you could look into all the families in the neighborhood, and see the never-ending drama of life, births, marriages, deaths, joy of new-made mothers, whose babes weighed just eight pounds and three-quarters, and had hair that would part with a comb, and tears of Rachels who wept for their children, and would not be comforted because they were not.

She had brought "Lady Amy," carefully packed in the stout bundle, and Aunt Prissy declared that the doll should have a dress and hood of the fine blue thibet. "When shall I go to school, Aunt Prissy?" asked Faith. "I think the school begins next week, and you shall be all ready. I mean to make you a good dress of gray and scarlet homespun for school wear," replied her aunt.

Aunt Prissy took a ball of firm twine and rubbed it well with white chalk. The cord was fastened tightly across the surface of the quilt. "Now," said Aunt Prissy, and Faith took the tight cord up and "snap" it went when her fingers released their hold, leaving a straight white mark across the quilt.

"You must comb out your curls, Uncle Rowland." "And I'll tie your cravat for you, sir, and make you quite smart. We are not to appear abroad with a country bumpkin or a fright of a student, are we, Prissy?" And mutual jokes were bandied pretty freely. "Now, Prissy, are we to see the famous Traveller?" "No, sir, it is to be the Virtuoso, with the mock copper coins." "Bronze, child, bronze."

"A sweeter face and a sweeter character than Prissy Goodwin's could not be imagined," she said. "We were all sorry when she left Dornton, and every one felt for Mr Goodwin. Poor man, he's aged a great deal during the last few years. I remember him as upright as a dart, and always in such good spirits!" "I have a portrait of my mother," said Anna, "a miniature, painted just after her marriage.

Miss Prissy laughingly boasted being past forty, sure that the avowal would always draw down on her quite a storm of compliments, on the freshness of her sweet-pea complexion and the brightness of her merry blue eyes. She was well pleased to hear dawning girls wondering why with so many advantages she had never married.

Taggart, who, being college-bred, ought to know, but I was so afraid she was a wicked woman, that I began to blush before I'd so much as got out the first word. I wish I was pale and delicate like Prissy Glover. 'T is mortifying to be so healthy." "Thy waist is at least two inches smaller than hers, when 't is properly laced."

I was sure that you would want to when Esther sent the beads. I only hope you may have a chance to give them to Louise at an early day," responded Aunt Prissy. This decision proved a comfort to Faith. As the weeks went by, and no news of the shoemaker and his little daughter was received, she would often look at the string of blue beads which she meant to give her friend.

Phillips was in the back of the room hearing Prissy Andrews's Latin, Diana whispered to Anne, "That's Gilbert Blythe sitting right across the aisle from you, Anne. Just look at him and see if you don't think he's handsome." Anne looked accordingly.