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This is the effect of no occupation the primum mobile of the Indian prince's kite-flying and all the puerilities of the pompous East. We usually find an encampment of Bedouins outside the gate. Their tents are worse than any gipsy's, low, smoky, and of the rudest construction. These people are a spectacle of savageness.

But I assure you that there is a higher still. Primum vivere, deinde philosophari is of more comprehensive significance than one supposes at first sight. Before everything else, the raw and wicked tendencies of the masses ought to be restrained, in order to protect them from doing anything that is extremely unjust, or committing cruel, violent, and disgraceful deeds.

As to the primum mobile of this revolution, it was owing to no other cause than a deviation from the laws, which so alters the opinions of the people that many times a faction is formed before the change is so much as perceived. This little reflection, with what has been said, may serve to confute those who pretend that a faction without a head is never to be feared.

I could have said more, but I must desist at this time until another opportunity; and intreat you heartily, admonishing you by your Conscience, that you observe all that which I have revealed unto you, of all those Letters which are contained in the middle between Alpha & Omega, & that you keep all the Speeches & Writings, that you may not undergo a denial of pardon for your Sins, & a continued perpetual Vengeance for Eternity; which I at last reveal unto you thus: Take the Sky-coloured Sulphur extracted out of Silver, rectified with Spirit of Wine, dissolve it according to its Quantity in the White Spirit of Vitriol, and in the sweet-sented Spirit of Mercury, coagulate them together by the fixation of the Fire, you have the White Tincture in your Hands with all its Medicines; but if you can get all their primum Mobile's, it is then needless, because you can perfect the Work at once.

Si vis me flere, dolendum est Primum ipsi tibi. About this time Carlyle writes, "My friends think I have found the art of living upon nothing," and there must, despite Mill's contribution, have been "bitter thrift" in Cheyne REow during the years 1835-1837. To the last work, undertaken against the grain, he refers in one of the renewed wails of the year: "O that literature had never been devised.

Scholarum rector primum erat, tum postea Archidiaconus, eruditione ac sapientia in omni negotio celebris: fuit praeterea Cisterciensis Monachus, et Abbas Fordensis Coenobij, magnus suorum testimatione, ar vniuiersae eorum societati quasi Antesignanus: fuit deinde Wigorniensis praesul, fuit et mortuo demum Richardo Cantuariorum Archiepiscopus, ac totius Angliae Primas.

C. Primum hujus Ecclesiæ lapidem posuit Johannes Sweetman, Armiger. Memoriale hoc grati animi restitutæ Catholicæ Libertatis Georgio tertio Regum optimo, annuente Parliamento ac toto populo acclamante, Dedicat Patriæ Pietas. Anno supradictæ Libertatis primo. Regni vigesimo tertio, ab Incarnatione 1793, die Octobris tertio. T. BEAHAN, Arch.

The Paradise or Heaven of Dante, in whose time the received system of astronomy was the Ptolemaic, consists of the Seven successive Planets according to that system, or the Moon, Mercury, Venus, the Sun, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn; of the Eighth Sphere beyond these, or that of the Fixed Stars; of the Primum Mobile, or First Mover of them all round the moveless Earth; and of the Empyrean, or Region of Pure Light, in which is the Beatific Vision.

To him, accustomed to hear all the occurrences of Nature, and all human concerns referred to astrological calculations, and conceiving the universe as governed by spirits in shape, perhaps, like the Primum Mobile, the Mercurius and Jupiter of Mantegna's playing cards, crowned with stars and poised upon globes it was as if the divining rod were turning pertinaciously to one spot in the earth, where, had he but the necessary tools, he must strike upon veins of the purest gold, or cause water to spirt high in the air.

To Atticus, ix. 4. Ibid., ix. 6. To Atticus, ix. 7 and 9. Ibid. "Ita dies et noctes tanquam avis illa mare prospecto, evolare cupio." "Hunc primum mortalem esse, deinde etiam multis modis extingui posse cogitabam." To Atticus, ix. 10.