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"I can't make her out! I can't make her out!" The doctor flung this confession of failure before him excitedly. "I don't know what's in her mind, but she's evidently dangerously near women in her condition never have a very settled mental poise, anyhow, and this sudden shock they telephoned it and there was nobody there but that fool Flora " "Do you mean that Mrs.

They were all conscious, too, that the clerk had been acutely receptive of Judge Pike's reading of them; that he was reviving from his own squelchedness through the later snubbing of the colonel; also that he might further seek to recover his poise by an attack on them for cluttering up the office. Naturally, Jonas Tabor was the first to speak.

It is perfectly apparent that there are many people incapable by nature of bearing the burdens of life, incapable or preserving their mental poise in stress and strain of disaster, disease and loss, and who by failure, by misfortune and want, are driven to despair and insanity, in whose darkened minds there comes like a flash of lightning in the night, the thought of death, a thought so strong, so vivid, that all fear is lost, all ties broken, all duties, all obligations, all hopes forgotten, and naught remains except a fierce and wild desire to die.

This gave her an audience and was an outlet for her anger against Kie Wicks and his Mexican hanger-on. "Take it easy, child. There's lots of time to find that treasure that is if there is one. We don't need it right away, you know," soothed the professor. But it took Bet a long time to regain her poise.

But before he could touch the Shining One, now motionless and never was the thing more horrible than then, with the purely human suggestion of surprise plain in its poise Larry had struck him aside. I tried to follow and was held by Rador. He was trembling but not with fear. In his face was incredulous hope, inexplicable eagerness. "Wait!" he said. "Wait!"

Then leaped she to her feet with one cry that methought would 'a' cracked the welkin in twain above our heads. "Dead! Oh God in heaven!" So for an instant she stood, with her arms reached high above her head, and her eyes upon him as he lay at her feet, even as a flame doth poise for a breath ere sinking again upon the coals.

There were a few minutes when, on either hand of the Mona, but not near enough to be more than an arresting spectacle, ponderous glassy billows ceaselessly arose, projected wonderful curves of translucent parapets which threw shadows ahead of their deliberate advance, lost their delicate poise, and became plunging fields of blinding and hissing snow. We sped past them and were at sea.

And here we see a virtue of Saint-Saëns himself, a national trait of poise that saved him from losing the music in the picture. His symphonic poems must be enjoyed in a kind of musical revery upon the poetic subject. As the dream sinks slowly away, the stern motto is buried in quick flashes of the tempting call. These are mere visions; now comes the scene itself of temptation.

Her confidence and poise in such contrast to the chaotic turmoil of his own thoughts, and his utter helplessness in the situation which had so suddenly burst upon him, filled him with unreasoning resentment.

It is will-power also which enables us to correct the faults which stand in the way of the acquiring of poise. We are not now speaking of those idle fancies which are no more than manifestations of nervousness. We have in mind rather that controlled and enduring purpose which arms the heart against the assaults of the emotions by giving it the strength to overcome them.