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"Der pig pelongs mit me der same as you." "Go ahead, then," said Bud, lying down again. "But I want ter tell yer this, and take it from me, it's ez straight ez an Injun's hair, yer kin kill yer own part o' thet hawg if yer want ter, but if my part dies I'll wallop yer plenty. I've spent too much time teachin' thet pig tricks ter lose it now." "Vich part der pig you own, anyvay?"

Dot medticine is Doctor Smith's favorite prescription for dot disease. Und mit all dot you kicks. Vot more do you want? 'Vell, I say, 'I gan no more dake dot medticine. It makes me awful seek. 'Now, Hans, dondt be so unreasonable. You pelongs to dot ped, und whoefer goes into dot ped dakes dot medticine. Dondt you see? 'But I dells you dot I gan no more dake dot medticine. It vill kill me.

Much obleege fur yer bein' so kind fur to stand under and breaks my fall." "And breaks mine own neck, too, eh?" "Who might be you wid your big bread-basket?" inquired Cato, still lying upon his back and kicking up his heels. "Me? I's Hans Vanderbum, dat pelongs to Keewaygooshturkumkankangewock." Cato grew sober in an instant.

Those merchants unrolled the gorgeous silks of China, white satin damasks, others of grass-green, and bright red; rose-coloured taffetas, a profusion of satins, pelongs, and gauze of Tonquin, some plain, and some beautifully decorated with flowers; the soft pekins, downy like cloth; white and yellow nankeens, and the calicoes of Madagascar.

"I dug it out of the sand on the beach at High Rock, uncle," replied Leopold. "Den it pelongs to you, mine poy." "Not at all, uncle; at least, not yet a while." Leopold told the whole story, from Harvey Barth's diary down to date, as briefly as he could. "If I don't find any owner, I suppose the money belongs to me," he added. "Himmel! Yes!" answered the watch-maker.

Put her laty must forgif her, for it is a long tale, not like anything you 'll pe in ta way of peliefing; and aalso, it'll pe put ta tassel to another long tale which tears ta pag of her heart, and makes her feel a purning tevil in ta pocket of her posom. Put she'll tell you ta won half of it that pelongs to her poy Malcolm. He 's a pig poy now, put he wasn't aalways. No.

Harry Wakefield dropped the hand of his friend, or rather threw it from him. "I did not think I had been keeping company for three years with a coward." "Coward pelongs to none of my name," said Robin, whose eyes began to kindle, but keeping the command of his temper.

Ich zay de voorld ish all pad, unt it aud doo pe vinished vunst already, I ton't gare how quick, so ash dem droonk vools kit vot pelongs doo 'em venever Gabrel ploes his drumbet." "They'll get that in due time, my friend," said Andrew, untying the rope with which Gottlieb had been pinioned. "Come, let us go back to our own shore." "Bud daint my zhore no more.

Had they had any distance to go, they would probably have drawn a crowd after them; as it was, they reached Johnny's quarters without attracting any special attention. "Now," said the breathless florist when he had his captive safely within the shelter of the shop, "now, vat is your pusiness mit Tony? Tony is my scharge, an' I don' let him talks mit poys what shteals what don' pelongs to dem.

"Ah, Jack, you doesn't know how mean mine fader ish," said the German with a grin though proud of his parent. "He couldn't have known that it was Deerfoot," said Jack, reflectively. "Dot wouldn't make no difference; he treat all Indians de same. One dimes they stole a pig vot didn't pelongs to him and he whipped me as hard as nefer vos, and he hates all Indians for dot."