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Thinks I, 'It's Asa Peters' daughter's young-one peddlin' clams. That's what come to my mind fust. That idee popped right into my head, it did." "Found plenty of room when it got there, I cal'late," snapped Dorinda. "Must have felt lonesome." "That's it! keep on pitchin' into me. I swan to man! sometimes I get so discouraged and wore out and reckless hello! here's Ros. You ask him now!

Now pa says that Linkern lived there onct and kept store, but he didn't get it. He was so poor that he used to have welts on his legs from wearin' the same buckskin pants. That's what pa says. So if he didn't get the treasure, who did? It couldn't be Mr. Branson, for he got his start raisin' onions and peddlin' 'em here in town.

I slipped off an' left 'em, the cemetery bein' so near my house, an' Eb walked home with her. 'Poor things, I thought, 'if he does go back to peddlin' an' she has to go to the Alice County poorhouse, I'll give 'em this funeral afternoon for a bright spot, anyhow. "But I'd just about decided that Elspie wa'n't to go to Alice County.

He'll stop peddlin' peas an' beans over that counter down there, an' retire to a life of ease an' laxity with his paint-brushes, as he ought to. An' he'll have somethin' fit to eat an' wear, an' Keith will, too. An' furthermore an' likewise you'll see SOME difference in this place, or my name ain't Susan Betts.

I use' ter send out peddlin' carts o' milk for my ranch was the biggest in that section it use' ter be all mixed together in course, an' the smallest elemunt o' that old cow's milk in it made it jest the same as ef 'twas all hern.

"A man was drivin' across the moor peddlin'," Martha explained. "An' he stopped his cart at our door. He had pots an' pans an' odds an' ends, but mother had no money to buy anythin'. Just as he was goin' away our 'Lizabeth Ellen called out, 'Mother, he's got skippin'-ropes with red an' blue handles. An' mother she calls out quite sudden, 'Here, stop, mister!

What wad ye convert me till? A swine? Or a sma' peddlin' crater that tak's a bawbee mair for rowin' up the pigtail in a foul paper? Ca' ye that conversion? I'll bide as I am." "It's waste o' precious time speikin' to you, Mr Cupples," returned Bruce, moving off with a red face. "'Deed is't," retorted Cupples; "and I houp ye winna forget the fac'? It's o' consequens to me."

You would a-been, only for my havin' an orig'nal system for peddlin' them letters that's all my own. It's system does it but it ain't right, just the same. The Gov'mint don't expect nobody to work more'n eight hours to a stretch, and look at me, two hours late and I ain't home yet!

Hit wuz 'g'in' de law fer ter buy things fum slabes; but Lawd! dat law did n' 'mount ter a hill er peas. Eve'y week er so one er dese yer big covered waggins would come 'long de road, peddlin' terbacker en w'iskey. Dey wuz a sight er room in one er dem big waggins, en it wuz monst'us easy fer ter swop off bacon fer sump'n ter chaw er ter wa'm yer up in de wintertime.

I'm all beat out now doin' nothin'. Since I've bought the old place gran'ther's farm, you know I don't seem to be much better off. I can't go to farmin' it this fall; and what can a lone woman do on a farm anyhow?" "Farmin' is kind of poor business for a woman; but I do hope, Mirandy, you ain't a-goin' to marry that poor, pigeon-breasted, peddlin' cretur that's hangin' round here."