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I'se only drawed up wid de rheumatiz, dat's all. 'Come ober heah to de light, says he, 'an' let me look in yo' mouf, an' see whedder yer hab got any teef. So I went wid him, an' while he was a-purtendin' to find out my p'ints he says to me, very quiet, 'Yer ain't dat gal's husband, nohow, says he, 'an' yer knows it.: 'I knows it, massa, says I, 'an' I'se skeered for my life ob her, fur she done said she'd kill any one dey dar'd to mate wid her: she's done got a husband ob her own up de ribber, I reckon. 'Yes, dat am de truf, says Massa John Brown; 'but see here, uncle: de Lord has done 'p'inted yer to be a guardian angel to dat po' chile.

"'Cause he'll order the jollies to fix bayonets and feel some o' their backs with the p'ints." The conversation interested me, and I forgot my dignity as an officer, and joined in. "Bayonets make bad wounds, Jecks," I said. "Yes, sir, they do; nasty three-side wounds, as is bad to get healed up again. They aren't half such a nice honest weapon as a cutlash.

Leastways, everything p'ints to a sort o' skeary fancy bein' mixed up with it, not a thing to laugh at, I can tell you, but as earnest as sin, for I've seen the likes, and maybe easy to make straight if you could only look into it yourself; but you think there's no chance o' that?" "No," said Gilbert. "I've tried once too often, already; I shall not try again."

I have regular days for touching at all the different p'ints; and it is a mighty nice thing, I can tell ye, to have yer grocery store come round to ye instead of yer having to go to it, especially if ye live on an island or out in the country."

Miss a shot and then spend the rest of the evenin' tellin' how it happened." "I don't think I should care to play it that way," said Ralph, laughing. "Well, it has its good p'ints. Kind of all-round exercise; develops the lungs and strengthens the muscles, as the patent-medicine almanac says. Parker played it considerable." "I judge that your opinion of my predecessor isn't a high one." "Who?

"Yere Enright pauses to take a small drink by himse'f, while we-alls tarries about, some oneasy an' anxious as to what kyards falls next. At last Enright p'ints out on the trail of his remarks ag'in.

Why, when mixed cattle is in a bunch, standin' so close you can't see no brands on their sides, an' you-all is ridin' through the outfit cuttin' out, y'ear-marks is what you goes by. Cattle turns to look as you comes ridin' an' pesterin' among 'em, an' their two y'ears p'ints for'ard like fans. You gets their y'ear-marks like printin' on the page of a book.

"I'm not going to fret myself trying to make one of my baked omelets in the morning," she assured herself, "they'll keep breakfast waiting three quarters of an hour, and it would fall flat sure's the world, and the doctor's got to ride to all p'ints of the compass to-morrow, too."

I know it well, for I've had to track him more than once an' would spot it among a thousand." "If Jake is in the neighbourhood, wouldn't it be well to return to the cave? He and some of his gang might attack it in our absence." "No fear o' that," replied the scout, rising from his inspection, "the futt p'ints away from the cave.

"A few pounds to be picked up out yonder," commented Captain Cai, "if the tugs had any enterprise." Captain 'Bias reached out a hand for the telescope. "That yawl the big fellow 'd do better to take in her jib-tops'le. The faster it's pullin' her through the water the more it's pullin' her to leeward. She'd set two p'ints nigher with it down."