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Take your pies and dig out. Don't attempt to sell any o' them pies to these boys, or I'll hang you myself, and there won't be no foolishness about it. Git back to your car, boys." "There won't be no hangin', and we won't git none o' the pies," complained the boys among themselves. "Sargint Klegg's gittin' overbearin'. What'd he interfere for?

His turrible emotions had onhinged his reasonin' faculties, we hain't lived together so long as that, but I didn't dane to argy, I only sez with calm dignity: "Miss Walker, this is my pardner, Josiah Allen." "Miss!" sez he in a overbearin' axent, "Miss Walker!" He looked as if he thought it wuz a conspiracy hatched up between us to deceive him. "Yes," sez I coolly, "Miss Walker, Dr. Mary Walker."

"Take 'em by an' large an' these lads chasin' cows' tails are the salt o' the earth. They'll go farther with you an' stick longer than anybody else you ever met up with. Once they know you an' like you. But they'll be right offish with you for a while. Kinda polite an' distant, I expect. S-some overbearin' g-guy will start runnin' on you, knowin' it'll be safe.

I can see how he would be overbearin' with a lone woman like you, neither your son nor your daughter bein' of age yet to take your part." "Yes, Mr. Scantle, it's very hard." Asaph stood for a moment looking at a little bed of zinnias by the side of the door-step. "What you want, Mrs. McJimsey," said he, "is a man in the house." In an instant Mrs. McJimsey flushed pink.

Guess you'd say he'd always be gettin' us into trouble with his overbearin' and crooked ways." "That's true. He would." "Maybe it would be a good idee to watch him mighty close. They say he's a bad hombre. Might be unlucky for any one he got the drop on." Tom knew he was being warned. "I'll look out for him," he promised. The older man changed the subject smilingly.

I wish I was down there. But maybe it won't come to a scrap. Stewart's set on avoidin' that. He's a wonderful chap to get his way. Lord, though, I'd like to see him go after that overbearin' Greaser! See! the Don can't stand prosperity. All this strange behavior of cowboys is beyond his pulque-soaked brains. Then he's a Greaser.

A plea for justice and mercy, sent in respectful, to the lawmakers of the land. And he said the men jeered at it, and throwed it round the room, and called it all to nort, and made the meanest speeches about it you ever heard, talked nasty, and finally threw it under the table, and acted so haughty and overbearin' towards it, that Bub said he was afraid to tackle 'em.

I'm sorry for Saxham that goes without sayin' though I don't like his overbearin' scientific side and his sledge-hammer manner.

Six good feet nine inches an overbearin' man. Next to him, and I have forgotten his precise business, was Sandy Vowle. And he was six feet seven, but lean and lathy, and it was more in the elasteecity of his neck that the height lay than in any honesty o' bone and sinew. Five feet and a few odd inches may have been his real height.

Who's to help you if you've allus got the black monkey on your shoulder like this here?" "You'm a overbearin', headstrong madman," summed up the miller, still white with wrath; "an' I've done with 'e now for all time. You've had your chance an' thrawed it away." "He put this on me because I was poor an' without work."