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As they swept along rapidly, young, fair, well-fed, beautifully dressed, in the costly, shining car, their clouded faces might to a country eye have been visible proofs of the country dictum that "rich city folks don't seem to get no good out'n their money and their automobiles: always layin' their ears back and lookin' 'bout as cheerful as a balky horse."

But circus er no circus, ye ain't a goin' to sidetrack me out'n them funeral arrangements. If ye can sing 'The Lament, yer engaged." "Why, who's dead, Jim?" asked Landy innocently. "Did ole Selim die, er is hit yer favorite hound dawg?" "None sich," replied the old man heatedly. "It's me my funeral en I'm aimin' to make a splendid time outen it.

"Marse Clarence done send 'em in, des picked out'n de hothouse dis afternoon, Miss Jinny. Jackson, fotch a bowl!" "No," said Virginia. She took the flowers from Ned, one by one, and to the wonderment of Captain Lige and her father strewed them hither and thither upon the table until the white cloth was hid by the red flowers. The Colonel stroked his goatee and nudged Captain Lige.

An' fur de chillen, co'se quick as I gits 'em broke in I'll see dat dey won't miss Ca'line none. Dat little teether, I done tol' Pete ter fetch her over ter me right away. Time I doctors her wid proper teas, an' washes her in good warm pot-liquor, I'll make a fus'-class baby out'n her."

"What's the use o' him savin' a mile, er ten miles, fer that matter, when he never puts foot out'n the house?" said Peter, the logician. "Well, then," persisted O'Dowd testily, "he ought to consider the saving in gasolene." Peter's reply was a grunt. They came in time, after many "hair-pins" and right angles, to the gate opening upon the highway.

"Drap out'n the saddle, turn the critter loose in the road, an' take ter the woods," urged Ike. "They'll sarch an' ketch me," quavered Jube. He was frantic at the idea of being captured on the horse's back, but if it should come to a race, he preferred trusting to the chestnut's four legs rather than to his own two. Ike hesitated.

De w'ite folks say no, dey ain' be'n no wolves 'roun' dere fer ten yeahs er mo'; en dey did n' know w'at ter make out'n it. En w'en dey could n' fin' Dan nowhar, dey 'lowed he'd quo'lled wid Mahaly en killt her, en run erway; en dey did n' know w'at ter make er dat, fer Dan en Mahaly wuz de mos' lovin' couple on de plantation.

"There he is now!" exclaimed Nora gayly, starting up to open the door. But she was mistaken; there he was not, but an old woman, covered with snow. . "Law, Mrs. Jones, is this you?" exclaimed Nora, in a tone of disappointment and vexation. "Yes, child don't ye see it's me? Le'me come in out'n the snow," replied the dame, shaking herself and bustling in. "Why, law, Mrs.

"The folks in the mountings air mighty nigh skeered out'n thar boots by yer foolishness, Brent" she sought to conserve a mien of reproof. "They 'low ez it war a manifestation of the Evil One." Brent laughed delightedly. "Warn't it prime?" he said. "But I never expected ter work sech a scatteration of the crowd Thar skeer plumb terrified me.

She evidently had not even scant knowledge of that most absorbing passion, the love of gain, and she did not value money. "Somehow whenst folks dies by accident, it 'pears ter me a mistake somehows ez ef they war choused out'n time what war laid off fur them an' their'n by right." Evidently she did not lack sensibility.