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Of course, I'm in a way helpless now, being on the ship's books, and he in a manner of speakin' an orficer; but one of these days there'll be a reckonin', or my name en't Bulger." The boatswain brought down his fist with a resounding whack on the scuttle butt, threatening to stave in the top of the barrel. "And how did the fight end?" asked Desmond.

Well, Billy," continued the boatswain, "this here Mr Blackburn is a first-class navigator, havin' been an orficer aboard a liner, and he'll be able to take us to Barber's treasure island, if anybody can.

Suppose I try to catch that other vessel and the crew prove too strong for me, and I lose this one?" "Mr Vandean, sir! You a British orficer, and talk like that? It ain't greediness, sir, but you a-trying to do your dooty as the orficer as has succeeded Mr Russell, I know what you feel, sir all the 'sponsibility." "Yes, Tom; and that we are not strong enough to try experiments."

You've seen me waltzin' through Lungtungpen like a Red Injin widout the warpaint, an' you say I'm too fond av the-ourisin'? 'Sorr, sez I, for I loved the bhoy; 'I wud waltz wid you in that condishin through Hell, an' so wud the rest av the men! Thin I wint downshtrame in the flat an' left him my blessin'. May the Saints carry ut where ut shud go, for he was a fine upstandin' young orficer,

I was not in the mood for exchanging confidences as to my prospective matrimonial affairs, and my silence must have said as much. "Beggin' your pardon, sir; but seein' as 'ow you're a doctor, I wonder if you 'appens to know our bloke in the Jackass?" "Who, your doctor?" "Yessir. Tall orficer 'e is, close on six foot 'igh, wi' black 'air, wot jined the Navy special fur the war. Name o' Brown."

I told her the aviation orficer had promised to take me flyin' with him to-morrow mornin', and if I lost my life in a wheeled vehicle there'd be no more flyin' fir me because I don't look to be a angel immediate I get into the next world.

Catch thim young, feed thim high, an' by the honor av that great, little man Bobs, behind a good orficer 'tisn't only dacoits they'd smash wid their clo'es off 'tis Con-ti-nental Ar-r-r-mies! They tuk Lungtungpen nakid; an' they'd take St. Pethersburg in their dhrawers! Begad, they would that! "Here's your pipe, sorr.

I was closer up than I meant to be, and he swung in so sudden that I had to drop quick and crouch behind the masonry of the front garden wall. My leave pass must a' dropped out o' my pocket and through the railin's into the garden. "Well, the front door must a' been on the jar for th' orficer here just pushes it open and walks in, goin' very soft like.

I 'ope 'e's got summat in 'is pockets arter we've bin takin' all this trouble." "Yer never find much on these 'ere Froggies, the rotten bastards. Fritz ain't so bad neither. I got a bloody fine watch orf a Fritz last year down on the Somme sold it to an orficer for thirty bleed'n' francs!" "Put yer stick under 'im an' 'eave 'im out!"

"Did he hit him hard?" said Barney, slowly, and giving his mouth a rub with the back of his hand. "That's what I said, messmate; don't get chewin' o' my words over five hundred times to show off afore our young orficer. Did he hit him hard?" "Orfle!" said Barney. "Then why didn't you say so afore, 'stead o' getting into bad habits, a-saying things for the sake o' talking.