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They're bein' fed on iron-filin's an' dog-biscuit these days, but glory's no compensation for a belly-ache. Praise be, we're here to protect you, sorr. Mother av Moses, but ye take the field like a confectioner! 'Tis scand'lus." "'Ere's a orficer," said Ortheris, significantly. "When the sergent's done lushin' the privit may clean the pot."

"Just as if we'd be the chaps to get a good-natured kind young orficer into a scrape. Look here, sir, put Billy Wakes ashore to go and fetch some drink. My hye, what we would give for half-a-gallon o' real good cool solid old English beer." "Ha!" came in a deep sigh, and I could not help feeling that a glass just then would be very nice. "Will you give the order, sir?" said Jecks insinuatingly.

They're bein' fed on iron-filin's an' dog-biscuit these days, but glory's no compensation for a belly-ache. Praise be, we're here to protect you, sorr. Mother av Moses, but ye take the field like a confectioner! 'Tis scand'lus. 'Ere's a orficer, said Ortheris significantly. 'When the sergent's done lushin' the privit may clean the pot.

"Tide's going down very fast, sir, arn't it?" "Yes; why?" "'Cause we don't seem to get no forrarder. Hi! steady there! D'yer want to bury yer orficer?" "Never mind me, man. Stow away; she must soon be lightened enough to make her float." "Then we'll lighten her, sir; but don't you go and give orders for any of the stuff to be chucked overboard. It's too vallerble for that."

"Then push it 'ere, an' likewise them bloomin' 'igh-falutin' lar-de-dar giddy fag-papers you fumble wiv'. Blimey! ain't a honest clay good enough for yer now? I knows wots the matter wiv you, Billy Jones! You've got a weather-heye on the Quarter Deck you 'ave. You fink you're agoin' to be a blighted perishin' orficer you do!

He really laid himself out to express what was in his mind. When he had quite finished and his throat was feeling dry, one of the men said: "I've 'eard a few beggars in the click blind, stiff and crack on a bit; but I've never 'eard any one to touch this 'ere 'orficer." They were not angry with him. They rather admired him.

Look here; as soon as it's dark I'll go up on to the cliff and try and get to my cottage, and as soon as I can get the key I'll come back and let your orficer here go loose if he'll swear as he won't show his people the way down here." "No," cried the midshipman, firmly; "I can't promise that." "Not to get free, squire?" said Eben, grimly. "N-no, I can't do that.

"How 'bout the milkman's hoss?" asked Kettle anxiously. "The milkman's horse? The milkman's horse?" sniffed Sergeant Halligan, "D'ye think I'm an infernal fool to put such a proposition up to the orficer in charge of mounts? He'd kick me full of holes if I did."

Well, sir, I've made my will and settled up my account at the post trader's, and the aviation orficer has promised to tak' me on a fly Christmas Eve morning. It may be the last fly I'll take until I get wings, for I hardly expects, sir, to escape the dangers of that buggy." In talking with Mrs.

Regimental Sarjen' Majer! I shall be an Orficer more like, and walk acrost the crossin' wot you're asweepin', to me Club in bloomin' well Pickerdilly! Yus. This is the days o' ? Demockerycy, me lad. 'Good Lloyd George's golden days' as they sing and steady fellers like me is goin' to ave C'missh'ns an' don' you fergit it! Farver 'ung indeed!" "I'm awf'ly sorry, Corporal, really," apologized Dam.