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"No, indeed," said I, amused at his query and the funny wink that accompanied it. "What has become of that spiteful little beggar?" "Begorrah, ye'll laugh an' be amused, but he's marri'd to a wife as big as one of thim grannydeers we onst took in the ould barquey to Bermuda, d'ye rimimber? Faith, she's saix feet hoigh, an' broad in the b'ame in proporshi'n.

The logging can wait for a couple of months, Davidson tells me. 'Wal, you'll want considerable of whisky for the teu, observed Zack briskly; 'all the "Corner" 'll be sure to come, an' raise yer house off the ground right slick at onst. A frame-house, I calc'late? 'Clapboarded and painted, if I can, Mr. Bunting.

A good woman in Arkansas said I talked 'mighty crabbed like. But a man who travelled in the next seat to me, across Southern Illinois, after talking with me for a long time, said, 'Wal, now, you dew talk purty tol'eble square for an Englishwoman. You h'aint said 'Hingland' nor 'Hameriky' onst since you sot there as I knows on!" Mrs.

Ef I'se ony shoah dat yer hole out long anuff ter get 'mersed, I'd hab hopes on yer, but, law! yer'll be a-fiddlin' de debil's tunes 'fo' de week is out. I'se afeared dat dere must be an awful prov'dence, like a battle or harricane, onst a week, ter keep yer ser'ous;" and the old woman sniffed down at him with ill-concealed disdain from her superior spiritual height.

"You didn't see his face?" "No." "An' 'ee didn't mind you of anybody?" Halsey hesitated. "Well, onst I did think I'd seen one o' the same build soomwhere. But I can't recolleck where." "As for the blood," said Betts reflectively, "it's as curous as the coughin'. Did you iver hear tell as ghosts could bleed?" Hastings shook his head. Steeped in meditation, the two men smoked silently for a while.

Wurrah, wurrah, why did Oi ivver come to say? Och, Tom mabouchal, kill me at onst, and be done with it!" I could not help laughing at him, he presented such a contrast to the buoyant lad of my ordinary acquaintance; though, of course, I tried to sympathise with my woe-begone chum.

And glad I was to have him quick about it; for he might have redooced me to such a condition ay, and I believe a' would, too, if onst a' had caught sight of me as the parish might 'a had to fight over the appintment of another sexton. And so at last a' went away. And I were that stiff with scrooging in this cornder " "Is that all? Oh, that comes to nothing. Surely you must have more to tell me?

He had been in the place but six hours, and was now free again free, and to be married to ten thousand a year nex day. But, for all that, he lookt very faint and pale. He HAD put down his great stake; and when he came out of Sainte Pelagie, he had but fifty pounds left in the world! Never mind when onst the money's down, make your mind easy; and so Deuceace did.

Having lately recommended two separate claimants to a patent for the same land, the Land Commission became cautious and conservative. Roscommon was at first astounded, then indignant, and then warlike, he was for an "appale to onst!"

"Let's drink his health onst." They did so twice. Old man Greiffenhagen's was about two miles distant. With him lodged Miss Edna Parkinson and Miss Mary Willing. These young ladies were bosom friends, and members of the Women's Christian Temperance Union. We describe them adequately enough by adding that they were capable, pretty and good.