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But in 1775 Toplady again took the field, publishing his 'Historic Proof of the Calvinism of the Church of England. Mr. Sellon, a clergyman, and Mr. Olivers, the manager of Wesley's printing, appeared on the Arminian side. The very titles of some of the works published sufficiently indicate their character.

By the way, Jean, I didn't see you at the Tweedies' dance, or the Olivers' theatricals." "No, I wasn't there. I hadn't a dress that was good enough, and I didn't want to be at the expense of hiring a carriage." "Oh, really! We had a small dance at The Towers on Christmas night just a tiny affair, you know, really just our own house-party and such old friends as the Tweedies and the Olivers.

Both were graduates of the University of Hard Knocks; both loved their Alma Mater. When Daniels printed that literary trifle, "A Message to Garcia," he sent five thousand copies to Oliver, who gave one to every man in his factory. Daniels was one of the Illini, and had held the handles of an Oliver Plow. He had seen the great business of the Olivers at South Bend evolve.

Thinking of this, as I thought of everything, in relation to baby, I bought, as I was passing a hosier's shop, a pair of nice warm stockings and a little woollen jacket. When I reached the Olivers' I found, to my surprise, two strange men stretched out at large in the kitchen, one on the sofa and the other in the rocking-chair, both smoking strong tobacco and baby coughing constantly.

"He's well enough in his place, but you'll please to remember, John Ellis, that my niece is an Oliver, and the Olivers don't marry beneath them." Old John was furious. "Beneath them indeed! Why, woman, it is condescension in my son to so much as look at your niece condescension, that is what it is. You are as poor as church mice." "We come of good family, though," retorted Miss Susan.

It found Thomas Olivers, a drunken Welsh shoemaker, and led him on, till he became known as a great force in the pulpit, and the author of that majestic lyric, "The God of Abraham praise" and of the tune "Helmsley," sung to the hymn, "Lo, He comes with clouds descending."

No, I have learned what I know from a man we shall meet to-day; the brother of Major Harper; and he, he has it from " my companion smiled "somebody you have known a pretty long time, I think, eh?" "I see; I see; you mean my mother!" He let me ponder the fact a long time. "Lieutenant," I asked at length, "did you know your plot against the two Olivers would cross her wishes?"

She was just going to show Madeline Oliver, see if she wasn't! She was going to "come out," and mamma was going to give a reception one far bigger and grander than the Olivers' had been, too. And they were going to ask Mrs. Jarvis, of course, and Mrs. Oliver daren't refuse because papa had a hold on Mr. O. in business, and the whole family would just have to come.

"But there will not be the smallest difficulty in filling it," he added. "We have but to speak the word; we may pick and chuse. I could name, at this moment, at least six young men within six miles of us, who are wild to be admitted into our company, and there are one or two that would not disgrace us: I should not be afraid to trust either of the Olivers or Charles Maddox.

Douglas, folks don't think the Olivers respectable and don't want to have anything to do with them. Eighteen years ago Captain Anthony came from goodness knows where, bought the Four Winds point, and built that house. He said he'd been a sailor all his life and couldn't live away from the water. He brought his wife and child and an old cousin of his with him.