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Of course it's a very different matter with you or Mr. Razumihin there, your friend. Your career is an intellectual one and you won't be deterred by failure. For you, one may say, all the attractions of life nihil est you are an ascetic, a monk, a hermit!... A book, a pen behind your ear, a learned research that's where your spirit soars!

Therefore, by Mr Hussey’s divinity, any other Christian hath as much right to administer word, sacraments, keys, as the minister. Come on now to Mr Coleman’s errors in divinity, not to repeat what was expressed in my Nihil Respondes, but to take off the Male Dicis in the main points.

Mark could not be otherwise than impressed by what he read. Ii qui sub ipsis sunt, dum adulantur partibus, eunt in perditionem. . . . Nihil contra Abbatis voluntatem faciens. . . . Mark looked up at the figure of St. Benedict standing in that holy group at the foot of the Cross.

But what a taking are poor clients in when this too much trusted cunning companion, better read in Piers Plowman than in Plowden, and in the play of "Richard the Third" than in the pleas of Edward the Fourth, persuades them all is sure when he is sure of all! and in what a misery are the poor men when upon a Nihil dicit, because indeed this poor fellow Nihil potest dicere, they are in danger of an execution before they know wherefore they are condemned.

Scis ut illi nil cum adultero, sic nihil tibi esse debere cum pellice. Antoninus Pius gave a husband a bill for adultery against his wife "Provided it is established that by your life you give her an example of fidelity. It would be unjust that a husband should demand a fidelity which he does not himself keep" quoted by St. Augustine, de Conj. Adult., ii, ch. 8.

Upon my looking a little dissatisfied at some part of the picture, my attendant informed me that it was against Sir ROGER'S will, and at the earnest request of the gentleman himself, that he was drawn in the habit in which he had saved his master. No. 108. Gratis anhelans, multa agendo nihil agens. PHAEDR. Fab. v. 1. 2. Out of breath to no purpose, and very busy about nothing.

XIII. Nihil nisi armati. The Romans wore arms only in time of war or on a journey. Moris, sc. est. And in A. 39. Suffecturum probaverit. Subj. after antequam. Ornant. Ornat would have been more common Latin, and would have made better English. But this construction is not unfrequent in T., cf. 11: rex vel princeps audiuntur. Nor is it without precedent in other authors. Cf. Ritter reads propinqui.

"Nihil enim potest esse aequabile, quod non a certa ratione proficiscatur." No valour can be more extreme in its kind than that of Alexander: but it is of but one kind, nor full enough throughout, nor universal.

Humani nihil a se alienum putat. I have not remarked this aspect of belief as much prevalent in the most backward races, and I do not try to look behind what we know historically about early religion. Frazer's Golden Bough with Mr.

Melius quidem adhuc==still better even. For a verb, supply sunt or agunt. Cf. note A. 19: nihil. Eae civitates. Such as the Heruli, among whom the wife was expected to hang herself at once at the grave of her husband, if she would not live in perpetual infamy. At Rome, on the contrary, divorces and marriages might be multiplied to any extent, cf.