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And if we claimed a bein' sick, they'd give us a dose of castah oil and tu'pentine. That was the principal medicine cullud folks had to take, and sometimes salts. But nevah no whiskey that was not allowed. And if we was real sick, they had the Doctah fo' us. "We had very bad eatin'. Bread, meat, water. And they fed it to us in a trough, jes' like the hogs.

Not much learnin', but we had up-bringin'! Look at dem chilluns across de street. Jist had a big fight ovah dere, and dey mothah's too lazy to do any thing 'bout it. No'm, nevah did see none o' dat when we was young. Gittin' in de folkeses hen houses and stealing, and de carryins on at night. No mam! I sure do wish de old times was here.

Mammy she have eleven chillen. No 'em, don't 'member all dem names no mo'. No 'em, nevah see pappy no moah. Im 'member mammy cryin' goin' down on de boat, and us chillen a cryin' too, but de place we got us was a nice place, nicer den what we left. Family 'o name of GROHAGEN it was dat got us. Yas'em dey was nice to mammy fo' she was a fine cook, mammy wus. A fine cook!" "Me? Go'Long!

The bottom looks bettah through that glass than it does when yo' down theh yo'self. Ah used to do a little diving at one time, but the reefs nevah showed up that cleah. It would be a big thing fo' the boats that take tourists out if they could have glasses like that one there."

"It's no bird, it's a human," he said, after listening a moment. "That's a signal. Go see what it is. Just wander out carelessly." In the depths of the thicket I found a human figure crouched. It glided to me, and I made out dimly the squat form of Pete, Barnes's negro slave, from the hotel. "Lo'dee, massa," whispered he, "done thought you nevah would come." "What is it, Pete?"

'Tain't fittin', to my notion, to see a modest young gal a-mekin' a show uv herse'f, an' the Lawd nevah intended it, nuthah. Ef you're 'lected to salvation an' I believe you air, fur he's a marciful an' gracious God, an' you're a nice, innercent, well-behaved gal you kin be called in a quiet way; an' when he does call, whut you got to do is to heah an' obey.

She shall not live in da'kness. Nevah again. Nevah again shall she live in a hole in the ground." After a time: "Is it possible?" he mused, half to himself, half to Cyclona, "to build a house without a cellah?" "I don't know," said Cyclona, whose knowledge of houses was limited to her own whose roof was still upside down, and dugouts.

He ran like mad, clamping down on the bit, his muscles rippling under his glossy hide a hide that was already flecked with foam. "Go like yo' nevah went befo', Blizzahd boy," The Kid sobbed. Never had he been up against a plot so ruthless, a situation more terrible. A lone woman, Ma Thomas, had been selected for the next victim!

"Nevah you min', honey Aunt Bettie'll have somethin' fur de occasion it's a shame dat doctah won't let Captain Gordon hab no pie nor nuthin', but makes him eat jest dem beat biscuits, when he likes de soft ones so much de best. I'll be ready, chile, on de day 'fore Christmas, so don' you worry yourse'f 'bout me." "But you mus'n't make him anything that is bad for him, Aunt Bettie.

By an' by mah mahster sol' me an' mah baby to de man what had de plantation nex' to ours. His name was John Lee. He was good to me, an' let me see my chillens. I nevah got no beatin's. Onliest thing I evah got was a li'l slap on de han', lak dat. Didn't hurt none. But I'se seen cullud men on de Bradley plantation git tur'ble beatin's. De whippin' boss was Joe Sylvester, a white man.