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She told Haggarty with a significant air to get the wine from the cellah, and whispered to me that he was his own butlah; and the poor fellow, taking the hint, scudded away into the town for a pound of beefsteak and a couple of bottles of wine from the tavern.

She shall not live in da'kness. Nevah again. Nevah again shall she live in a hole in the ground." After a time: "Is it possible?" he mused, half to himself, half to Cyclona, "to build a house without a cellah?" "I don't know," said Cyclona, whose knowledge of houses was limited to her own whose roof was still upside down, and dugouts.

Betty has worked like a dawg to get the rhymes ready. She scarcely took time to eat yestahday, and she gave up going to the charade pah'ty that Miss Allison gave for Gay in the aftahnoon. It's this way. We've hidden little gifts all ovah the house, from attic to cellah. When the guests come, each one will be given a card with a rhyme on it, like this."

Staring ahead of him he saw the slight figure of a woman silhouetted against the tender pearl of the evening sky, eyes staring affrightedly into the darkened door of a dugout, a fluff of yellow hair like a halo about the beautiful face. "A cellah is a hole in the ground," he sighed. "A cellah is a hole in the ground.

"If I could build this house without a cellah," said Seth, "I would." "It stood upon twelve oxen," she read, "three looking toward the north, and three looking toward the west and three looking toward the south and three looking toward the east. Why not stand it on oxen like that, Seth?" she questioned. Seth laughed. "That wasn't the house," said he. "That was the molten sea."

Well, if it must it must; but we will put half-windows into that cellah so it won't be da'k, so it won't be like this, a hole in the ground. We will light it with electrics. But we won't talk of the cellah. That saddens me. I am tiahd of livin' in the hole in the ground myself sometimes. We will talk of the beautiful rooms above ground that we will build fo' her. "Look.

You mustn't tell any of my youthful misdemeanahs that you are fond of telling how I threw mud on yoah coat, in one of my awful tempahs, and smashed yoah shaving-mug with a walking-stick, and locked Walkah down in the coal cellah when he wouldn't do what I wanted him to.