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"Yes, yes, but there is one word more, M'sieu'," said Jo, standing up and facing him firmly. "You must go back. You are not a thief. The woman is yours. You throw your life away. What is the man to you or the man's brat of a child? It is all waiting for you. You mus' go back. You not steal the money, but that Billy it is that Billy, I know.

His elder sister Fanny, also extraordinarily gifted, played by heart, and with admirable precision, fugues and passacailles by Bach. I think one may well call her a thorough 'Mus. Both parents give one the impression of being people of the highest refinement.

"You mus' think I ain't got no feelin's ter go ter bed an' leave 'im hollerin'. I'm er goin' ter rock 'im ter sleep in my little rockin'-cheer, an' you needn't be er fussin' at me nuther." "I ain't er fussin' at yer, chile; I'm jes' 'visin' uv yer fur yer good; caze hit's yer bed-time, an' dem puppies will likely holler all night."

Then came a confession, in this precise form, with many dignified gesticulations: "Cappen! I took dat gun, and I put bun in Cappen tent. Den I look, and de gun not dar! Den Conscience say, Cappen mus' hab gib dat gun to somebody else for clean. Den I say, Conscience, you reason correck." Compare Lancelot Gobbo's soliloquy in the "Two Gentlemen of Verona"!

I suppose you saw a lot of him in Paris?" "Eh, I thought he is dead!" cried Madame de Vaurigard. "The father is. I mean, little Cooley." "Oh, yes," she laughed softly. "We had some gay times, a little party of us. We shall be happy here, too; you will see. I mus' make a little dinner very soon, but not unless you will come. You will?" "Do you want me very much?"

I've talked it all over and arranged it. That's what we've met for to-night ain't it, gents?" said Jud. "Sure sure," they all exclaimed. "Now, Joe, you mus' dry yo' tears an' become reconciled we've got a nice scheme fixed for you." "I'll never be reconciled never," wailed Joe. "Liza's dead an' I'm a grasshopper." "Now, wait till I explain to you but, dear, devoted friend, everything is ready.

From here I steered to the one-bucket tank, and at one place actually saw water lying upon the ground, which was a most extraordinary circumstance. I was in great hopes the country to the west had been well visited by the rains. The country to-day was all dense scrubs, in which we saw a Mus conditor's nest.

"You shall go to the ball, my dear." "Now you must pull and show my pretty dress," returned Cinderella, tugging at her brown gown. "No, no; you must say, 'How can I go in my rags?" said the godmother in her own voice. "Oh yes, so I mus';" and the Princess said it, quite undisturbed by her forgetfulness.

Dar's somebody a-comin' down dem steps; dey 's unlockin' de do'; an' de fus' thing I knowed, de place was all lighted up bright as day, an' a white-faced man stood by me, wid a crown on his head, an' a golden key in his han'. Somehow, I knowed it was Jesus, an' right den I waked up all of a tremble, an' knowed it was a warnin' dat I mus' foller de Lord.

Why, dem "Sesh," when dey fetch Massa Tom heah in de old wagon, dey des frowed him out like he been a hog, and tole Ham an' me dat we mus' dig a hole and put him in; dat we be killed if we don't. I done went and looked at him, an' tole Ham dat he wasn't dead; dat he was wa'm an' bredin.