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At that, though, he didn't win out until he'd almost broken the long distance record as a patient waiter, and I understand it was only when little Miss Polly got old enough to hint to Mommer that Uncle Bruce would suit her first rate as a stepdaddy that the match was finally pulled off. And now Polly, who's barely finished at boardin' school, has announced that she intends to get married herself.

Like he gave Mister his Sunday cutaway coat.... How'd he hurt his foot, mommer, jever hear him say?" "Berkler bone, I hear." They worked in silence for a time. "I'm right tired to-night. Put 'em here in his clo'es-bag, mommer.... Don't seem it could be just his foot. Torm Hartman's leg's right off to his hip, and he's got a fat look to him. Mr.

"You precious don't you be in too much of a hurry! Was it mad with mommer for getting its supper so late? Marry Anto'nette that's what we call her: after the French queen in that play at the Garden I told George the actress reminded me of you, and that made me fancy the name . . . I never thought I'd get married, you know, and I'd never have had the heart to go on working just for myself."

Don't ever fail morning and evening every Sunday. Don't forget that." "Why?" "It's the most important thing of all." "Does going to church make such a hit with the young female Jasper the Jasperette, as it were?" "It'll make you more solid than anything else with her popper and mommer, and that's very necessary when you're a candidate for their ducats as well as their daughter.

I didn't know till I met these Americans that I was such a wit or perhaps wag is a better word. I didn't try to be funny, I didn't even know I was being funny, but every word I said convulsed them. The "Mommer" said to me: "Child, are you married?" "No," I said, surprised. "Why?" "I was just thinking what a good time your husband must have!"

Why her father, a kindly soul who had risen from hod carrier to contractor, happened to choose Leslie Manor for his youngest daughter must remain one of the unanswered questions. Perhaps "mommer" made the selection on account of the name which had appealed to her. Manors or manners were all one to her.

It cert'ny is nice livin' when you can wear fussy-fixy velvet and silk clothes and lacey waists. John Edward and Elmore, bein' boys, couldn't get no good of them, so we give John Edward the little lace-flounced umberill to carry and Elmore a painted open-and-shut fan. Them's the things the lady give us where mommer sews for," she explained, in answer to Miss Margery's bewildered look.

Then, rising from his devout posture, the little suppliant fixed a keenly triumphant look upon her face, saying, as he turned to climb into bed: "I s'pose you noticed you wasn't in it." Little Willie in small boy stories the central figure is nearly always named Little Willie came running into the house, stuttering in his excitement. "Mommer," he panted, "do you know Archie Sloan's neck?"

She flounced out with assumed asperity, halting at the threshold for a last admonishing look. The big fellow, his head hung in abashment, looked up pleadingly. "Kiss me, mommer, an' I'll go to sleep!" Routed horse, foot and dragoons, Abigail fled in confusion, and Red grinned in self-complacency as Miss Carter's silvery laugh tinkled in diminishing crescendo.

"Stand back!" shouted his parent. "You do not know so well as me; dere is dandger. Mitout attention he will eggsplode." "I want to play with ut," protested August, beginning to cry. "Ach, soh; you cry, bube!" vociferated Mr. Sieppe. "Mommer," addressing Mrs. Sieppe, "he will soh soon be ge-whipt, eh?" "I want my boa-wut," screamed August, dancing. "Silence!" roared Mr. Sieppe.