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"Yes, suh," he concluded one of his eulogies, "Mistuh Johnsing is the biggest man what evuh was." "Bigger than General Grant?" queried the white man to whom he was talking. "Suttinly Mistuh Johnsing is a bigguh man than General Grant," affirmed Eph. "Bigger than President Wilson?" "Of co'se he's bigguh than President Wilson." "Bigger than God?" "Well well " stammered Eph.

Opening the door Lanyard hailed the hall-attendant, a sleepy and not over-intelligent negro. "When did this come for me?" "'Bout anour ago, Mistuh Embuh." "Who brought it?" "A messenger boy done fotch it, suh look lak th' same boy." "What same boy?" "Same as come in when you do, 'bout 'leven o'clock remembuh?"

"Mistuh Val," she said, "dat Jeems boy done wan' to see yo'all." "Bother Jeems!" Val exploded, his eyes on Ricky's back. But he stepped into the bedroom where the swamper was still imprisoned by Lucy's orders. The boy was propped up on his pillows, looking out of the window. His body was tense. At the sound of Val's step he turned his bandaged head. "Can't yo' git me outa heah?" he demanded.

"I would not consent," he said irritably, "to Miller's being disturbed." McBane made no further objection. There was a discreet knock at the door. "Come in," said Carteret. Jerry entered. "Mistuh Ellis wants ter speak ter you a minute, suh," he said. Carteret excused himself and left the room. "Jerry," said the general, "you lump of ebony, the sight of you reminds me!

"Bettah tell us the story," suggested the swamper quietly. "Yo' ain't foolin', are yo', Mistuh Creighton?" The New Yorker shook his head. "No, I'm not fooling. But you are not the first one to question my story." He smiled reminiscently. "Judge Henry Lane had to see every line of written proof this morning before he would admit that the tale might be true."

"Never bothered me a-tall, less'n dat 's whut 's been meddlin' wid my fowls, whichin ef I catches it, I aims to blow its head plum off, ghostes or no ghostes," said the old man, stoutly. "Ghosts don't steal chickens. I reckon it's a wild-cat gets yours. I heard one scream in the swamp not so long since." "Well, I aims to git Mistuh Wildcat, den.

You cain't catch me up no mo'. I saw Mistuh Woods at eight twenty-fahv exackly." I handed him a bill and went into the bar. Grogan, the old bartender was there alone. "Grogan, do you remember who was in the bar between seven-thirty and eight-thirty on the night of the Felderson murder?" "Only one or two of the gentlemen, sir. There was Mr. Farnsworth and Mr. Brown and I think Mr. Woods."

Sumptimes they would stay three or four days. And once in a while after one of these big doings Mistuh Smith would look worried, and we wouldn't get no meat and vary little of anything else for a long time. He would be crabby and beat us for any little thing. He used to tell my papa that he wouldn't have a d cent until he made some crops."

"Yas, Mistuh Tom, you're in plenty er time. Dinner won't be ready till I git back, which won' be fer fifteen minutes er so yit." Throwing away the cigarette which he held between his fingers, the young man crossed the piazza with a light step, and after a preliminary knock, for an answer to which he did not wait, entered the house with the air of one thoroughly at home.

"You see, Mistuh Johnsing's young yet." Unfortunately we've mislaid the judge's name, but his court room is in New Bedford, Mass. Before him appeared a defendant who, hoping for leniency, pleaded, "Judge, I'm down and out." Whereupon said the wise judge: "You're down but you're not out. Six months."