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She liked Eben Hanscom, but all the decorous reserves were at once awake in her, bidding him remember that she was not going to scale the trim, tight fence of maidenly tradition. He began rather breathlessly, and she cut him short. "I'd come and be your housekeeper," said Mariana, hurriedly in her turn, "for three dollars a week, same as you give Mandy, and be glad and thankful.

This McKettrick regarded as a harmless eccentricity of the lamb he was about to fleece. The new company was organized with Johnnie Bones as president, Scattergood as treasurer, an employee of McKettrick's as secretary, and Mandy Baines and another employee of McKettrick's as the remaining two directors.

But already Johnnie knew that the spurious elegance of this young person's appearance was not what she wished to emulate. The night of the dance Johnnie adjusted her costume with the nice skill and care which seem native to so many of the daughters of America. Mandy, dressing at the same bureau, scraggled the parting of her own hair, furtively watching the deft arranging of Johnnie's.

But Mandy Ann was not in sight, nor did he see her again till the boat was moving slowly up to the wharf at Enterprise, and with her braided tags of hair standing up like little horns, and her worldly goods tied up in a cotton handkerchief, she stood respectfully behind the waiting crowd, each eager to be the first to land.

He'll pull a rose, and scattah the leaves." Mandy, stirring gravy, was none the less dramatic. "You lissen, an' wait " "W'en Miss Claudia comin'?" "In one week, thank the Lord," Mandy pushed the gravy to the back of the stove and pulled forward an iron pot. "The soup's ready," she said; "you go up and tell the Jedge, Calvin."

Rinaldo Roberts, trainer and driver of horses, was sitting upon the top rail of the fence that divided the land of old man Bobo from the property of the Race Track Association. Mandy, freckled, long-legged, and tow-headed, balanced herself easily upon one ill-shod foot and rubbed herself softly with the other. The action to those who knew her ways denoted mental perplexity and embarrassment.

Well, you show your joy in a mighty queer way." "She's done out, Doctor," cried Moira, springing from her horse and running to her sister-in-law. "I ought to have come before to relieve her," she continued penitently, with her arms round Mandy, "but I knew so little, and besides I thought the doctor was here." "He was here," said Mandy, recovering herself. "He has just gone, and oh, I am glad.

"My wife, Billy," replied Cameron, presenting her. Billy pulled off his Stetson. "Proud to meet you, madam. Hope I see you well and happy." "Yes, indeed, well and happy," cried Mandy emphatically. "Sure thing, if looks mean anything," said Billy, admiration glowing in his eyes. "Take the horses, Billy. They have come a hundred and fifty miles." "Hundred and fifty, eh? They don't look it.

I hain't dared touch the baby sence hit began to hurt me this a-way." "There's something besides the sore throat," persisted Johnnie. "Is it anything I can help you about?" "Now, if that ain't jest like Johnnie Consadine!" apostrophized Mandy. "Yes, there is somethin' not that I keer." She tossed her poor old gray head scornfully, and then groaned because the movement hurt her throat.

Ought to be fifteen or twenty in that camp. Only squaws about. The braves apparently are in town painting things up a bit." A quarter of a mile past the Indian encampment the trail made a sharp turn into what appeared to be the beginning of the main street of the town. "By Jove!" cried Cameron. "Here they come. Sit tight, Mandy."