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J'ai fort lu Platon, mais rien ne m'en reste; Mieux que Malebranche et que Lamennais, Tu me demontrais la bonte celeste Avec une fleur que tu me donnais. Je t'obeissais, tu m' etais soumise; O grenier dore! te lacer! te voir Aller et venir des l'aube en chemise, Mirant ton jeune front a ton vieux miroir.

"We say Moscow, sir." "Ah Mosk Mosk-nitchevo je ne m'en souviens jamais." He continued to write as though laboring under an incurable disappointment. That Alban knew what Moskowa meant was not surprising, for he had heard the word so often in Union Street. Here in this very courtyard, far below his windows, were the sons and the brothers of those who had preached revolution in England.

In his view je m'en foutism has a hold of the French army. Strange if it had not! Clear, quick brains cannot stand Fate's making ninepins of mankind year after year like this. Fortunately for France, the love of her sons has never been forced; it has grown like grass and simple wild herbs in the heart, alongside the liberty to criticise and blame. The poilu cares for nothing, no, not he!

Let me make you my compliments, Mr. Naseby. The Squire was too much relieved to be angry. 'My dear, said he to Esther, 'you must not agitate yourself. 'She had better go up and see him right away, suggested Van Tromp. 'I had not ventured to propose it, replied the Squire. 'LES CONVENANCES, I believe 'JE M'EN FICHE, cried the Admiral, snapping his fingers.

Je m'en refiche, et je m'en contrefiche." Philip thought it was very like a French novel, and he did not know why it slightly irritated him. At last he said: "Well, I think I'll tootle along to the beach and have a dip." "Oh, you're not going to leave me this morning of all mornings?" Philip did not quite know why he should not, but it did not matter. "Would you like me to stay?" he smiled.

He went again into Scotland last Friday, and will not be returned in a month, and this sans qu'il m'en ait averti. Il faut avouer que notre Duc, a regard de tous les petits devoirs de la vie, est fort a son aise. Me de Cambis is also come; il en fourmille, but all of them almost beggars; some few, I hear, have letters of credit.

That expression Annette had caught from him: "Je m'en fiche!" A fatalistic chap! A continental a cosmopolitan a product of the age! If there were condemnation more complete, Soames felt that he did not know it. The swans had turned their heads, and were looking past him into some distance of their own.

Soames did not say "Je m'en fiche" it was French, and the fellow was a thorn in his side but deep down he knew that change was only the interval of death between two forms of life, destruction necessary to make room for fresher property. What though the board was up, and cosiness to let? some one would come along and take it again some day.

"Seignor qui ci estes venu Petit et grant, jone et chenu, Il vos est trop bien avenu Sachiez de voir; Je ne vos vueil pas decevoir Bien le porroz apercevoir Ainz que m'en voise. Asiez vos, ne fetes noise Si escotez s'il ne vos poise Je sui uns mires." He has been long with the lord of Caire, where he won much gold; in Puille, Calabre, Luserne.

I would never do that under any circumstances; if he would not stay because it was the thing he wanted to do most in the world, he might go. I should say, "Je m'en fiche!" At luncheon, for which the guns came in no nice picnic in a lodge as at Branches I purposely sat between two old gentlemen, and did my best to be respectful and intelligent.