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You know Mrs. Peyton was feelin' kind of run down so her son Arthur I call him Arthur to his face because I used to sew there when he wan't more'n knee high well, Arthur said she'd have to have somebody to wait on her every minute and she thought she'd rather have Lydy than anybody else because Lydy was always so handy in a sickroom.

The little dogs were jumping to reach his hands. Evidently they loved him. "I say," Cuckoo said huskily. The old gentleman stopped, lifted a rat from his shoulder, placed it on his breast, like a man who arranged his necktie, clicked his tongue against his teeth, and remarked: "Parding, lydy." Cuckoo swallowed. She felt as if she had a ball in her throat shifting up and down.

"You're a beautiful young lydy" her tone softened from its strenuous pitch "wot 'ave 'ad a disappyntment, like many of us 'ave at the start. You'd set your 'art on Another One. 'E got killed, an' you married the Doctor but it's never bin no real marriage. You've ate 'is bread, as the sayin' is, an' give 'im a stone.

"It's her me lydy," he said with a happy gasp, for she seemed to him like a being from another sphere. When she came near him the faint, delicious perfume exhaling from her garments was like those flower-gardens and scented fields to which he had once been sent for a holiday by some philanthropic society. Ian rose as the nurse came forward quickly to relieve Jasmine of the tray and the box.

The vanman stood on the cart and slid the articles on to the shoulders of a girl, who staggered across the pavement under a load twice her size. It looked like an ant carrying a beetle. Five minutes later Chook stood at the door and rapped with his knuckles. "Any vegetables to-day, lydy?" he inquired, in his nasal, professional sing-song.

Leidy to put his hand also upon a slate which the Medium was holding up under the table. Attention was then called to a scratching sound, which might have been writing. The slate was taken out by Dr. Leidy, and the light turned up. The following was written on it: "John Smith is with you like a young son. John Lydy." It was, of course, possible that the writing was done before Dr.

Cuckoo flamed at him. "She is, she is," she cried vehemently, all her passion trying to find a vent in the words. "You shan't have her, you shan't have her, you shan't if " "Neow, neow; I ain't sying nothink ag'in 'er," he interposed. "She's a pretty dawg, a very pretty dawg. 'Ow much do yer sy, lydy?" Cuckoo sickened. She looked away. She could not have met the eyes of Jessie at that moment.

"Or your gentleman 'ere might." "But I didn't. Send for the Police at once." "I wouldn't do that, lydy. They're only fruit pickers on a beano. They aren't particular where they sleep." "D'you mean they've been sleeping there? I only had it cleaned last week. Get them out." "Oh, if you say so, we'll 'ave 'em out of it in two twos. Alf, fetch me the spare swingle-bar." "Don't!

Sometimes it don't take you that way, though; you just begin to have palpitations when you go up and down stairs and then you start to wakin' up in the night with shortness of breath. That's the way my Aunt Lydy had it. You know I nursed her till she died, and I've seen her get right black in the face when she stooped to pick up a pin. It's her daughter Lydy that's waiting on old Mrs. Peyton now.

Then you can say to the lydy at the Registry Office and don't they give theirselves hairs! as wot you're leaving because the place don't suit. Twiggy?" "You for yourself did listen, then. Goed. Now it is for me you listen will, if you a true Boer's vrouw wish to become by-and-by." She rose to the immemorial allure that is never out of season in angling for her simple kind.