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The luck's been against us." He reflected, bottle in hand. "Sometimes the luck goes with you and sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes it doesn't. And then where are you? Grass in the oven! Fight or no fight." He asked a few questions and then his thoughts came back to his own urgent affairs. I tried to get some comprehensive account of the situation from him, but he would not give it.

"Don't mind if I do. Here's how!" "How!" echoed Missou, in turn, and tipped up the bottle till the liquor gurgled down his baked throat. "He's fanning out his men so as to, get us both at the front and back door. Lucky there ain't but four of them." "I guess we better lie back to back," proposed Missou. "If our luck's good I reckon they're going to have a gay time rushing this fort."

Though I did not understand a word that was said, it was easy for me to see, by the rapidity of the questions and the length of the answers, that the conversation was most interesting. At last, at the end of half an hours growing desirous of knowing to what point they had come, I said, "Well?" "Well," answered my interpreter, "you are in luck's way, and you could not have asked a better person."

'See 'em comm' up one by one, lookin' fer nothin' in particular, o' course, but scrowgin' on us all the time? There's the Prince Leboo; she's a Chat-ham boat. She's crep' up sence last night. An' see that big one with a patch in her foresail an' a new jib? She's the Carrie Pitman from West Chat-ham. She won't keep her canvas long onless her luck's changed since last season.

"She was the first to speak. 'It was given to me, it was meant for me. If I keep it both of us will profit by it, but if you "He did not wait for her to finish. 'Where did you get it? he cried. 'I can break the bank with what I can raise on this bond at the club. Darraugh's in town. You know what that means. Luck's in the air, and with a hundred dollars But I've no time to talk.

If Luck's got the sense he used to have, he'll git some white girl to act in his pitchers, and send that there squaw home 'fore she double-crosses him some way or other." "Oh, hold on, Applehead!" Pink felt constrained to defend the girl. "You've got it in for her 'cause her dog don't like your cat. Annie's all right; I never saw anything outa the way with her yet."

"You know there is a French proverb " She stopped, not liking to repeat it as she suddenly remembered the application. "Yes, I do know the lying Gallic invention! Heureux au jeu, malheureux en amour. I don't believe it. If luck's with you, all goes well; but then Fortune is such a fickle jade!" "I trust you will always be fortunate, Mr. De Burgh," said Katherine, gently.

So Bill Holmes assembled the film, scene by scene, without even the comfort of cigarettes to keep awake. At his elbow Luck also joined film until the negative in the garret was dry enough to handle, when he began cutting it according to the continuity sheet, ready for Bill to assemble. Luck's mood was changeable that day.

It's the third time he's been this week, eh? That's Nana; well, she's in luck's way! I was willing to wager he wouldn't come again." Simonne opened her lips to speak, but her remarks were drowned by a fresh shout which arose close to the greenroom. In the passage the callboy was yelling at the top of his shrill voice, "They've knocked!"

'I am very sorry; but, really, I have left my case at home. 'Oh! ah! faix and I forgot. Ye mustn't be smokin' the nasty things going up to the castle. Och, Mr. Smith, but you're the lucky man! 'I am much obliged to you for the compliment, said Lancelot, gruffly; 'but really I don't see how I deserve it. 'Desarve it! Sure luck's all, and that's your luck, and not your deserts at all.