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She faced fairly around now, and was full earnestness. "Has I had any trouble? Misto C , I's gwyne to tell you, den I leave it to you. I was bawn down 'mongst de slaves; I knows all 'bout slavery, 'case I ben one of 'em my own se'f. Well sah, my ole man dat's my husban' he was lovin' an' kind to me, jist as kind as you is to yo' own wife.

The purtiest little creatur' goin'; or, if not so purty, so good-natured an' lovin'. Why, she's all the sunlight we gets in the Lane, Glory is, an', havin' her, some on us don't 'pear to need no more. Makes all on us do her say-so but always fer our own betterment.

Something amazing had been revealed to her something so amazing that she could scarcely comprehend its full significance. Bud never for a minute did she doubt that it was Bud, for she knew his handwriting too well to be mistaken Bud was sending for clothes for a baby boy! "3 Dig in the mud suits, 3 yr " it sounded, to the hungry mother soul of her, exactly like her Lovin Child.

So I ses, ''T ain't boldness we're warned against; it's not lovin' an' trustin' enough, an' not askin' an' believin' TRUE. Don't yer remember wot it ses: "I, even I, am 'e that comforteth yer.

For a few minutes they remained silent. Then Orn Skinner burst forth again, "I ain't got as much use for that feller Tess loves as a dog has for a million fleas, an' I never liked 'is pa, uther...." "Ye wouldn't wish she'd be lovin' Sandy Letts, even if he does make money, eh, Orn?" asked Andy. "Thunder, no!" snorted Skinner. "I'd ruther she'd be dead 'n married to Sandy.

Lonesome over in Egypt, after all you've told me about your lovin' it so, Mr. Bangs! Lonesome for what, for mercy sakes?" "Why, for for the Cape, you know; and this house and this pleasant room and and the kindness which has been shown me here." "Don't.

"He has to go easy, now, an' I ain't a-forcin' him none. I'm all shot to pieces. I don't know what to do. So I slow down, an' the fans get hep to it. 'Why don't you fight? they begin to yell; 'Fake! Fake! 'Why don't you kiss'm? 'Lovin' cup for yours, Bill Roberts! an' that sort of bunk. "'Fight! says The referee to me, low an' savage.

Ah, that's it, darlin'," persisted Mrs. Flynn, "'tis lovin' all the way makes it aisier. There's manny kinds o' love. There's lad an' lass, there's maid an' man.

That's a gratification, my hearty. Made three successful voyages, you see. This, our fourth one, is to be the last. Keep a sharp look ahead, and there's a future for you, too. Ah, there'll be a heap of happiness a'tween me and my old woman when this voyage is ended. A true wife at home, and a lovin' husband at sea ah, my hearty, them's jewels!"

Ain't ye lovin' her well enough to take her, anyway?" Horace answered warmly, "Yes, of course, I am!" By the dawn of day Floyd had become so much worse that a trained nurse was placed at his side, and the physician's verdict, that the boy might die at any moment, overshadowed the threats of the squatter father. Lon Cronk had come alone to Everett's office on the hour set.