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Alec glanced at his watch. "Give the money to Stampoff. He may want it. I do not," he said. "Dumont, though a horse dealer, is fairly honest. My four ponies are worth another ten, and he will surely pay me five, cash down. We meet at the Gare de l'Est. Who goes? You, Julius?" "No," said the Count, "I shall follow when you have made a beginning. My presence would hamper you now.

«On peut prendre une idée légère et imparfaite de cette majestueuse enceint, en se la figurant comme un amphithéâtre moins remarquable par la vaste étendue de son arêne que par la hauteur prodigieuse de ses murs qui, par-tout bordés de parties saillantes, d'échancrures profondes, et hérissés de rochers dont la ruine est prochaine, se sont entièrement écroulés du côté du nord; elle-est couronnée vers le sud par deux sommets cylindriques recouverts d'une croûte épaisse de neige durcie, et que leur forme a fait nommer tour de marbre. Au-dessous se succèdent, en forme de gradins, de vastes platte bandes d'une neige qui ne disparoît jamais, et qui ne cesse point de se fondre insensiblement. Les eaux produites par cette stillation continuelle se divisent en sept ou huit petits torrens qui naissant sous ces lits de glace, et roulent sur le penchant rapide de la montagne ou jaillissent en cascades, quand elle se trouve coupée a pic. L'un de ces torrens venant du côté de l'est et dont le volume surpasse celui de tous les autres ensemble, se précipite du haut d'un rocher qui s'avance en saillie, et tombe avec un bruit horrible

Slippery had taken dice from his pocket and was throwing them meditatively on the floor between his feet, snapping his fingers with each throw. "I'll shoot you one of them bottles, Chris," he said. Andrews walked over to the bed. Al was stirring uneasily, his face flushed and his mouth twitching. "Hello," he said. "What's the news?" "They say they're putting up barricades near the Gare de l'Est.

When Paul stepped down from a railway-carriage in the Gare de l'Est in Paris two days later, his language had improved slightly. But he was still cursing himself for a consummate ass. Baxter, who had received instructions to meet him, relieved him of his travelling bag, and a taximeter cab, whisking him quickly to the Place Vendôme, soon deposited him at the Hôtel du Rhin.

I saw one man ask for his papers at the Gare de l'Est this afternoon, where with incredible assurance he was watching the entraining of French troops. He was led away between two policemen, and ought to feel thankful that the crowd did not get hold of him. He might have shared the same fate as that which befell one of his imprudent compatriots last Sunday at Clarendon.

Uncorroborated tales of Germans having been ill treated in all parts of France were spread broadcast. According to one journal sixty to eighty Germans had been murdered on the platforms of the Gare de l'Est in Paris.

After this, the young Norman felt that he could do better by following out his own genius in his own fashion. At the Rue de l'Est, he continued to study hard, but he also devoted a large part of his time to painting cheap portraits what artists call "pot-boilers;" mere hasty works dashed off anyhow to earn his daily livelihood.

How long will this fetish of international intrigue be tolerated by civilized democracies which have no hatred against each other, until it is inflamed by their leaders and then, in war itself, by the old savageries of primitive nature? I went down to the East frontier on the first day of mobilization. It was in the evening when I went to take the train from the Gare de l'Est.

Up to a point beyond Châlons, the "Ligne de l'Est" follows in general the course of the great river, and therefore the line of the battle.

It was now half-past eleven, and his German excellency had not yet come. I watched the arrival of the St. Cyr cadets at the Gare d'Orsay station on their way to the Gare de l'Est. These young French "West Pointers" are sturdy, active, wiry little chaps, brimful of pluck, intelligence, and determination.