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Do you love it? you, who stand always in the background, sparing of speech, inscrutable, as though able but unwilling to speak from out the eternal wisdom of a vast experience." The baron turned quickly to Frona. "We are old friends, did I not tell you? So I may, what you Americans call, josh with him. Is it not so, Mr. St. Vincent?"

Josh was a very hearty eater, so that the peck of corn flour allowed the slaves for a week's ration lasted him only a half. He used to lug large sticks of wood on his shoulders from the woods, which was from a mile to a mile and a half away, to first one and then another of his fellow negroes, who gave him something to eat; and in that way he made out his week's rations.

"If them bone-heads don't wake up, nobody'll be any the wiser and it's a lovely night for a ramble," murmured Weary, consoling himself. "Well, I couldn't sleep," Irish confessed, half defiantly. "I expect it's just a big josh, but it won't do any hurt to make sure." "Yuh all think Andy Green lives to tell lies," snapped Pink, throwing the saddle on his horse with a grunt at the weight of it.

And then he is going, with these faithful, devoted dogs at his heels, to talk about dogs with Dr. John Brown, Sir Edwin Landseer, and Mr. "Josh Billings." The first dog, Whiskie, was an alleged Skye terrier, coming, alas! from a clouded, not a clear, sky.

"Not much it isn't!" cried Josh from the bow of the novel craft; "it's a deer I tell you, a stag with half-grown antlers, taking to the water to escape from the hounds." "Yes, its a buck," announced Tom, as a shout from the camp told that one of the other scouts had also discovered the swimming animal.

As long as he could follow them from his side of the barrier the dog continued to bark savagely; but did not offer to leave his own domain. After all Billy Button was the only one to suffer, and he had a fine big three-cornered hole in his coat. "Going into the real-estate business, are you, Billy?" asked Josh, who could always see a chance for a joke. "Oh! am I?" retorted the other.

Parker, I haven't got the language to tell ye how that woman looked when she came to the door and saw me helping Josh out to the ground. No sir, I don't want to think of it how she sank right down in that doorway, and her head went over sidewise and her eyes shut and and her heart stopped, I guess." The postmaster blew his nose and snapped his eyes and cleared his throat with difficulty.

She had seemed at least that at a distance. Now she looked rather younger. The face wore an impudent look, yet it was delicate, too. Her skin showed very white and fine under the dabs of rouge. The blueness was not yet faded out of her restless eyes. "Minóok's all right. No josh about that," she said, setting down her glass. Then to the Boy, "Have a dance?"

You know well enough if the women folk are opposed it would be harder on the girl than just letting the matter drop right where it is." "Well, I reckon I can control the ladies in my family," blustered Big Josh. "Ahem!" said Mr. Bob Bucknor, with a significant glance at his cousin, "I must confess that I can't always do so.

"Here I come onto him in the lee of White's wharf putting a compass into the old man's sail-dory, and I says to him, 'What you up to, Andrew? And he says with a kind of laugh, 'Oh, taking a little sail for other parts, says he like that. Now, just imagine, Josh, with this here weather coming on all hell bu'sting loose to the north'rd!"