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It only makes it very awkward for us when people persist in saying how tired you're looking. Here's this huge house and garden. Surely you could be happy in in appreciating it for a change. Or you could take up some hobby." And Lola the baby had chimed in loftily, "All men ought to have hobbies. It makes life impossible if they haven't." Well, well!

In this wider sense, the spiritualistic theory is perfectly admissible; but what is not at all admissible is the narrow and pitiful interpretation which its proponents too often give it. They see the dead crowding around us like wretched puppets indissolubly attached to the insignificant scene of their death by the thousand little threads of insipid memories and infantile hobbies.

Well he deserves it he has done a great deal for them." Fleda was afraid to ask in what way, but perhaps he read the question in her eyes. "That's one of his hobbies ameliorating the condition of the poorer classes on his estates. He has given himself to it for some years back; he has accomplished a great deal for them a vast deal indeed!

Second, you have a hobby your machine, there and I admire people with hobbies. Third, I am fond of children, and and your daughter is a very pleasant, intelligent child. Fourth, you have insisted on selling me an interest in your invention, in return for a small loan, and that fact would draw me here, if nothing else did.

I intend to do all the good I can by asking the advice and following the example of the most 'earnest, 'practical, and 'charitable' people I know so, if you don't approve, you can drop my acquaintance," answered Rose, emphasizing the obnoxious words and assuming the resolute air she always wore when defending her hobbies. "You'll be laughed at." "I'm used to that." "And criticized and shunned."

Both of these little maneuvers were intended to persuade us that Japan was densely ignorant with regard to these forts which as a matter of fact would play no rôle at all in her plan of attack; America was to be led to believe that Japan's system of espionage was in its infancy, while in reality the government at Tokio was in possession of the exact diagram of every fort, was thoroughly familiar with every beam of our warships thanks to the Japanese stewards who had been employed by the Navy Department up to a few years ago knew the peculiarities of every one of our commanders and their hobbies in maneuvers, and finally was informed down to the smallest detail of our plans of mobilization, and of the location of our war headquarters and of our armories and ammunition depots.

Lots of hobbies and a comfortable home, and all his time to himself. 'I only meant I should be sorry for him if this man got hold of his name, and came and bothered him. 'Oh, ah! yes. I dare say he would be poor Mr Dunning then. The Secretary and his wife were lunching out, and the friends to whose house they were bound were Warwickshire people.

And then, with a quick memory of the note and of his anger: "Miss Bailey, who is this young man?" And Teacher, of whose hobbies Morris was one, answered warmly: "That is Morris Mogilewsky, the best of boys. He takes care of the gold-fish, and does all sorts of things for me. Don't you, dear?" "Teacher, yiss ma'an," Morris answered. "I'm lovin' much mit you.

It is only a "boor" who seeks to impose his own hobbies and interests upon a stranger, disregarding entirely the presumable likes and dislikes of the latter. Monsieur Jules La Chaise, Hotel Enterprise, City. MONSIEUR: I hope that you have had a bon voyage on your trip from la belle France, and my wife and I are looking forward to welcoming you to our city.

How true it is that they who possess worthy hobbies, especially those governed by the desire for construction and the inventive tendency, are getting altogether the most out of life and are giving the best of themselves! The work progressed steadily not too hastily, but most satisfactorily.