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I have rolled myself in wet blankets in mid-winter when suffering from a severe cold, and have come forth perfectly recovered. You remember the Elk Valley, Perault?" "Oui, for sure. I say dat tam ole boss blam-fool. Hees cough! cough! ver' bad. Nex' mornin', by gar! he's all right." "And will be again soon, Perault, my boy, by the help of these same blankets," said the old man confidently.

"Come along!" The officer's English was labored and guttural. Mr. Heatherbloom's eyes swung swiftly from the near-by door through which he had momentarily expected the woman to emerge. Involuntarily he would have stepped after the vanishing figure of the prince what to do, he knew not, when "Non, non," said the officer, intervening. "Hees excellenz dislikes to be importuned."

The affair was clear enough now, except for some few corroborative details. "And someone did come, Broussard?" "Oui, damn queek a fellow with a letter from Philip; eet was sign hees name, hees handwrite, appoint heem overseer." "And what became of him?" The Creole shrugged his shoulders. "'T is not my business, M'sieur. He go way somewhere queek. Maybe he not like ze place."

It was a sublime picture, Pancho," he said, sitting up again suddenly, "and have kill the bull before our friend Pepe's sword have touch even the bone of hees back and make feenish of him." "Look here, Enriquez," I said bluntly, "have you been serenading that girl?" He shrugged his shoulders without the least embarrassment, and said: "Ah, yes. What would you? It is of a necessity."

But dere's wan man got hees han' full t'roo ev'ry kin' of wedder, An' he's never sure of not'ing but work an' work alway Dat's de man dey call de doctor, when you ketch heem on de contree, An' he's only man I know me, don't get no holiday.

Kay blushed, but instantly decided to appear nonchalant. "Good evening, Pablo," she greeted the majordomo. "How do you feel after your long, hard day on the range?" "Gracias, mees. Myself, I feel pretty good. When my boss hees happy well Pablo Artelan hees happy just the same." The girl noted his emphasis. "That's very nice of you, Pablo, I'm sure.

What a pretty, modest young creature she is! Mrs. C.N. The poor give you no such severe character, madam; and, taking courage by their report, and being poor myself, and, alas! having been the innocent cause of making others poor, I have ventured hither. I can't stand this. Mr. Noke, mai husband, he tell me dat hees nephew is very foolish, weeked jeune homme Mrs. He has a noble heart.

He hav' letter from North one, two sheet paper an' eet tell heem how eet all vas. Someone write heem I link maybe Pierre Vonique who went way long time. No matter; vat he told was zat M'sieur Philip die die queek frum accident. Nevah speak, an' when zey pick heem up, zar was noddin' in hees pocket. See, M'sieur! He vas robbed. Vonique he hear about eet, an' fin' ze body.

"Hees soul she's hout of Purgatoire long hago eef she'll goin' get hout. Me, I buy me some net for s'rimp." "An' me, two harpent more lan' for my farm," quoth the tender. "Alas! poor Jean!" said I. "But he was so virtuous a man that he needs no masses after a hundred years, perhaps. As you like. You will take the letters; and this for the telegraph?"

"Minesse," he said one day to the white cat, he told all his troubles to her; it was of no use to talk to Ma'am Jeanne, she was too deaf to understand, "Minesse, we are gettin' po'. You' pere git h'old, an' hees han's dey go no mo' rapidement, an' dere be no mo' soirees dese day. Minesse, eef la saison don' hurry up, we shall eat ver' lil' meat." And Minesse curled her tail and purred.