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"Dear sister, didn't you promise me To help me shout and praise him? Den come and jine your voice to mine, And sing his lub amazin'. I tink I hear de trumpet sound, About de break of day; Good Lord, we'll rise in de mornin', And fly, and fly away, On de mornin's wings, to Canaan's land, To heaben, our happy home, Bright angels shall convey our souls To de new Jerusalem."

"Oh, Marse Ishmael, dat would be like coming out'n purgatory into heaben! Thank de Lord!" fervently exclaimed the girl, while tears tears of joy now streamed down her cheeks. "There, now, Sally; go with your aunty into the next room, and have a glorious old talk, while we settle some business with the steward," said Ishmael, pointing to the door of the anteroom.

"I fear dis calm weader not last much longer," he observed to me. "I hope we soon get aboard ship; for if it come on to blow, den we in bad way." "We must pray to Heaven to protect us," I said. "Yes, Massa Andrew. If Heaben no protect us, den it be bery, bery bad indeed."

I wish I was to home agin, Yankees treat dere coloured breddren like dogs, dat is a fact; but he is excellent man, Massa Captain, bery good man, and though I don't believe it's a possible ting Joy is in heaben, I is certain de captain, when de Lord be good nuff to take him, will go dere."

An' now, look h'yar, Aun' Patsy, I wants you not to disremember dis h'yar. Don' you go imaginin' ebery time anything happens to folks, that ole miss done been kunjerin' 'em. Dat ain't pious, an' 'taint suitable fur a ole pusson like you, Aun' Patsy, wot's jus' settin' on de poach steps ob heaben, a waitin' till somebody finds out you's dar, an' let's you in."

"Yes, Aunt Chloe," Lester said, taking one withered hand in his, as Elsie withdrew herself from her embrace, and turned aside to wipe away a tear, "His purchased ones are safe for time and for eternity. "'The Lord God is a sun and shield; the Lord will give grace and glory." "Dat's so, sah; grace to lib by, an' grace to die by, den glory wid Him in heaben!

Her small, energetic figure moved briskly from one room to the other, and as she worked she sang in a low, chanting tone: "You got a shoe, I got a shoe, All God's children got shoes. When I git to heaben, gwine try on my shoes, Gwine walk all over God's heaben, heaben, heaben. Ever'body's talkin' 'bout heaben ain't gwine to heaben Heaben, heaben, gwine walk all over God's heaben."

"Old Bingo neber want noting more," he replies to your question of what you can do for him; "nobody neber can do noting more for Bingo; for Missy Sea-flower hab gib Bingo, Phillis, and gib him Heaben, and what more does he want?" "And where is your mistress's home?" you ask.

Half rising from her former position, and looking earnestly in the face of her humble instructor, which was beaming with her own admiration of the glorious works and power of the Lord, she exclaimed vehemently, "That Lord, who's him? I's never heerd of him afore." "Laws, honey, don' ye know? He's de great Lord of heaben and earf, dat made you and me and ebery body else.

She could discern no object in the deep twilight; but, struck herself with the still beauty of the scene, she exclaimed, "Pooty night, a'n't it? How de stars of heaben do shine!" The voice disturbed Tidy in her reverie. Her first impulse was to get up and walk away, that she might finish out her thinking in some other place, where she could be alone.