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Updated: January 19, 2025

And this was the woman and this the child who had excited so much benevolent curiosity in the breasts of the worthy clergyman and the three old maids of C .* Alarmed at Sarah's account of the scrutiny of the parson, and at his own rencontre with that hawk-eyed pastor, Templeton lost no time in changing the abode of the nurse; and to her new residence had the banker bent his way, with rod and angle, on that evening which witnessed his adventure with Luke Darvil.

We stood silent for a while, our attention caught by a quarrel which had suddenly come out of the doorway. One of the men was Jim Willis, my friend of Clark's campaign, who had a Henderson claim near Shawanee Springs. The other was the hawk-eyed man of whom Mr. Boone had spoken, and fragments of their curses reached us where we stood.

"It does not much matter, Master," said Bes at last, "seeing that if we die we shall never know, and if we live we shall learn for ourselves." At length all was arranged and we stood up to face each other, the four of us being armed in the same way. For as did Idernes and the hawk-eyed lord, Bes and I wore shirts of mail and helms, those that we had brought with us from the East.

How could he sit before the hawk-eyed man whom he was about to meet without in some way betraying his secret? When the coupè stopped, Talbot roused his companion with difficulty. "This can't be the place, Toll. We haven't come half a mile." "On the contrary, we have come three miles." "It can't be possible, Toll. I must look at your horse. I'd no idea you had such an animal." Then Mr.

Rimrock made a gesture of absent-minded impatience and watched the slow turn of the cards. Not even the dealer or the hawk-eyed lookout was more intently absorbed in the game. He knew every card that had been played and he bet where the odds were best. Every so often a long, yellow hand reached past him and laid a bet by his stake.

"Go," said Fionn to a hawk-eyed man, "go to the top of this hill and watch for the coming of the racers." And he sent lithe men with him so that they might run back in endless succession with the news. The messengers began to run through his tent at minute intervals calling "nothing," "nothing," "nothing," as they paused and darted away.

Smith, "I couldn't see that he said anything about you this morning." "Not this morning," said the attorney. "There will be more to follow. Wait until you see the next issue of the representative of a free and untrammeled press. He will serve up all his friends there. I saw him darting around like a hawk-eyed reporter this morning.

Brown I hope that is your name, though I admit the chances are against it." "They are," I replied, "my name is Allan Quatermain." "Ah! much better than Brown. Well, Mr. Allan Quatermain, there's a private room in this place to which I have admittance. Would you mind coming with that " here the hawk-eyed gentleman strolled past again, "that case of butterflies?"

Two or three of the boy scouts those who did not, like Stud, show incredulity, sarcasm gleaming, hawk-eyed, from a ruby lamp hooked to a hatband, and from a level eye beneath it held their breath, dazzled; for the moment beaten at their own brave game of exploring. So did the girl who had been piqued and dared into sitting in the Devil's Chair with a sheer abyss beneath her!

And yet the managing director appeared in person for twenty minutes, a thin, small, hawk-eyed man, not at all unwilling to give a brief patronage to the young lady who might be said to link the houses of Mason and Helbeck in a flattering equality. "He wad never ha doon it for us!" Polly whispered in her awe to Miss Fountain. "It's you he's affther!" Laura, however, was not grateful.

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