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'Your land is right in the middle of Hamer's fields and that spoils his farm, but that is not the reason as much as your hill; he wants it for a windmill. They have nothing but level ground; it's the best land in the settlement, but no good for a windmill; if they don't put it up, one of the other settlers will. 'And why are they so crazy after a windmill?

It was moved and seconded, soon as you heaved in sight, that we repair at once to Sol Hamer's grocery for a little " "Excuse me," broke in Kenneth, laughing; "I have heard of that grocery, and I think it would be wise for me to become a little better acquainted with my surroundings before I begin trading there." The landlord rubbed his chin and the other gentlemen laughed uproariously.

As the procession drew near, Jendrek heard a woman's voice above the children's shrill trebles, Hamer's guttural bass and the old people's nasal tones; it was clear, full, and inexpressively moving. It made his heart tremble within him. The sounds shaped themselves in his imagination to the picture of a beautiful weeping-willow.

He hesitated between his desire to turn back and his unwillingness to lose a job; he hung about the fences, and looked at the women digging in their gardens. A murmur like the hum of a beehive caught his ears: one of the windows in Hamer's house was open and he looked into a schoolroom. One of the children was reciting something in a clamorous voice, the others were talking under their breath.

They worked quietly, minded their cattle so that they should not stray, and even their children were not troublesome, but went to school at Hamer's house, where the infirm schoolmaster kept them in order. 'They are respectable people, he satisfied himself. 'I'm better off with them than with the squire. He was, for they bought from him and paid well.

There's talk of the Baptists an' the Methodists puttin' up new churches an' havin' regular preachers instead of the circuit riders. But you'll see all this fer yourself when you git there. Plenty of licker to be had at Sol Hamer's grocery, mostly Mononga-Durkee whisky, in case you git the Wabash shakes or suddenly feel homesick." "I drink very little," said Kenneth.

This has been so convincingly set forth in Ames's Calhoun and the Secession Movement of 1850, and in Hamer's Secession Movement in South Carolina, 1847-1852, that there is need of very few further illustrations. That South Carolina postponed secession for ten years was due to the Compromise.

Where will you go on a bitter night like this? Hamer's mastiffs were beginning to growl. Slimakowa hung on her husband's arm. 'Come home, come home, she urged stubbornly, 'I will not die in a strange house, I am a gospodyni, I will not stay here with the Swabians. The priests would not even sprinkle holy water on my coffin.

"Well, you'll soon git over that," prophesied his host. "Everybody does. A spell of aguer like we have along the river every fall an' winter an' spring will make you mighty thankful fer Sol Hamer's medicine, an' by the time summer comes you'll be able to stand more'n you ever thought you could stand. What worries me is how the women manage to git along without it.

You have ten acres, she has fifteen. I shall take her land, because it is close to mine, and give you fifteen acres of Hamer's land. You will have a gospodarstwo of twenty-five acres all in one piece. Slimak reflected for a while. 'I think, he said at last, Gawdrina's land is better than Hamer's. 'All right! You shall have a bit more. Slimak scratched his head. 'Well, I don't know, he said.