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He gave a gentle pat on the back of the neck as he spoke, and it was returned by an uncommonly smart box on the ear from the young lady, and the whole party looked thunderstruck. "Dear Gussy" cried for spite, and stamped her way out of the room, followed by Furlong. "Let them go," said O'Grady; "they'll make it up outside." "These oysters are all bad," said Scatterbrain.

"Don't be a fool," Bunny answered, "and don't call me Augustus." "It's better than Gussy," Bruce declared, and though I should have been glad to contradict him, for I disliked him at sight, there is no doubt that he was right. "Is the man, who has gone, an elderly undergraduate or only a don?" Bruce went on. "He's from some stables round the corner. Any one with two eyes could see that."

I envied the bold-eyed celebrity in the array of a planter at his ease we might have been his slaves quite as much as I envied Gussy; in connection with which I may remark here that though in that early time I seem to have been constantly eager to exchange my lot for that of somebody else, on the assumed certainty of gaining by the bargain, I fail to remember feeling jealous of such happier persons in the measure open to children of spirit.

The mop-up operations won't be long in coming in fact, these days we find that the square root of the estimated time of a new development is generally the best time estimate. Gussy, I strongly advise you to start wearing a tickler now. And Daisy and your moppets. If you heed my advice, your kids will have the jump on your class.

'I do tell 'ee plainly, face to face she be there in madam's drawing-room; herself and Gussy, and them two walloping gals, dressed up to their very eyeses. This was said by a very positive, very indignant, and very fat farmer's wife, who was sitting on the end of a bench leaning on the handle of a huge cotton umbrella.

Oh, yes, and it literally does tickle you every time it delivers an instruction. That's what the little rollers are for. Believe me, you can't ignore it. Come on, Gussy, take off your shirt and try it out. We'll feed in some instructions for the next ten minutes so you get the feel of how it works." "I don't want to," Gusterson said. "Not right now. I want to sniff around it first.

"Sure," Gusterson said dully, holding his hand to his stomach. "And now if you don't mind, Fay, I'm goin' home. I feel just a bit sick. Maybe the ozone and the other additives in your shelter air are too heady for me. It's been years since I tramped through a pine forest." "But Gussy! You've hardly got here. You haven't even sat down. Have another martini. Have a seltzer pill. Have a whiff of oxy.

He whipped off the sunglasses that all moles wore topside by day and began to pound Gusterson on the back while calling boisterously, "How are you, Gussy Old Boy, Old Boy?" Daisy came in from the kitchen to see why Gusterson was choking. She was instantly grabbed and violently bussed to the accompaniment of, "Hiya, Gorgeous! Yum-yum! How about ad-libbing that some weekend?"

If Tickler doesn't turn us into a nation of photo-memory constant-creative-flow geniuses in six months, I'll come live topside." "You mean because a lot of people are standing around glassy-eyed listening to something mumbling in their ear that it's a good thing?" "Gussy, you don't know progress when you see it. Tickler is the greatest invention since language.

By keeping such late hours in such stifling rooms you are endangering two lives remember that, Letty. It you stay at home to-morrow, I will come home early, and read to you all the evening." "Gussy, that would be charming. You know there is nothing in the world I should enjoy so much. But this time I really mustn't."