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Old Pete, however, the same whom Gulpin murdered when he made his escape, used to receive money from some source or other, for keeping them posted concerning his health and habits, but the old fellow was a sly dog, and never divulged secrets." "If a portion of his story is correct, why not the whole?"

Es Sam Hayes said, if we shoot, we 'll be a-shootin' up Gulpin County. An' yet, by thunder, we 've plumb got ter do it, er git off the earth. I jest don't see no other way. Biff, he won't care a damn how he gits us, so he gits us afore we have any chance ter turn the tables on him, an' shift the law over ter our side. Hayes can't help any, fer he 's out o' his head. Consequent, it's up ter us.

"Gulpin and his band prisoners," I heard the fellow say, in an undertone, as though he could scarcely comprehend the news, and then an expression stole over his face, that for a moment was frightful to contemplate. "Ah, here they come at last," Murden said, pointing to the cart, which was slowly creeping along, and had been screened from view by the house.

You don't s'pose that I would be very near when Jim Gulpin was doing secret things, does you?" I made no answer, and he continued, "I took good care to be hoff so far that he couldn't even smell me, 'cos I knew that if I had but vinked once vithin ten rods he would have seen me, and then vot would 'ave been the consequence?"

"Precisely," replied the stockman, mechanically taking the bottle from my hand and again applying it to his lips; "ghosts are the fellows they do every thing without being seen; and why should not the spirit of Gulpin hover around this spot, and repel all attempts to get at his money?"

"You shall have Darnley's share, if you do as I tell you," replied Gulpin. "What'll Darnley say to that?" "He won't say much, 'cos he's stiffened out dead as the devil."

I filled my pipe afresh, and smoked for a few minutes in silence. "Becky tells me that she took a fancy to me on the night that Gulpin assaulted the house. She thought I acted like a man on that trying occasion." Ungrateful Beck, to thus forget the valuable services of Fred and myself. Love had indeed blinded her, for all that was noble and generous was centred in Smith.

"Well, examine the hut at all events," replied Fred; and bidding Bimbo walk to the house, we followed close at his heels, and threatened him with the fangs of the dog when he hesitated. By the time we had reached the station hut, the policemen were just depositing Gulpin near the door, having brought him in a blanket from the spot where he fell.

The noise awakened Murden and his men; and just as they began inquiring the reason of our violence, there was a loud shout heard within the hut, the door was rudely thrown open, and at the head of the robbers, brandishing his carbine, was Gulpin.

The villain looked from one face to the other, as though he was almost resolved to evade the question; but receiving no encouragement from the scowling countenances which he encountered, replied, "There's twelve of us." "Who's your leader?" he demanded. "Jim Gulpin." "As big a scamp as ever went unhanged!" ejaculated Smith; "I have heard of his tricks, before."