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I wish I were a genius, to go frisking about Europe instead of inking my fingers at home." Arlt shook his head. "No frisking for us. We are going to study." With characteristic promptitude, Bobby dragged out his hobby, mounted it and was off at a gallop. "That's always the way with you musicians! You work till you are tired of it; then you go off and shirk, and call it studying.

On passing over a stream we caught sight of several beautiful little monkeys, not bigger than rats, frisking about among the boughs just as we had seen them on a previous occasion. Near them were some birds, which kept hopping to and fro on the same branches, apparently on the most intimate terms with these diminutive quadrumana.

"My daughter," said he, "God has distinguished us from the beasts and made us a paradise to gain, and for this given us reason, which is a rudder to steer us against tempests and our ambitious desires, and there is a means of easing the imaginations of one's brain by fasting, excessive labours, and other virtues; and instead of frisking and fretting like a child let loose from school, you should pray to the virgin, sleep on a hard board, attend to your household duties, and never be idle."

I made up the fire, and walked off, with my gun on my shoulder, to try and obtain some kind of game, so as to surprise my companions when they got up. For about a quarter of an hour I traversed tracts of heath which reminded me of my native country, when a too confiding rabbit came frisking along within gunshot, which I knocked over and placed in my game-bag.

We crossed broad natural lawns sparkling with dew, and we moved like spirits, the cushioned turf giving out no sound of footfall; we dreamed along through glades in a mist of green light that got its tint from the sun-drenched roof of leaves overhead, and by our feet the clearest and coldest of runlets went frisking and gossiping over its reefs and making a sort of whispering music, comfortable to hear; and at times we left the world behind and entered into the solemn great deeps and rich gloom of the forest, where furtive wild things whisked and scurried by and were gone before you could even get your eye on the place where the noise was; and where only the earliest birds were turning out and getting to business with a song here and a quarrel yonder and a mysterious far-off hammering and drumming for worms on a tree trunk away somewhere in the impenetrable remotenesses of the woods.

In the deep moss I tread as with muffled feet, and the pupils of my eyes dilate in the dim, almost religious light. The irreverent red squirrels, however, run and snicker at my approach, or mock the solitude with their ridiculous chattering and frisking. This nook is the chosen haunt of the winter wren. This is the only place and these the only woods in which I find him in this vicinity.

The sides of the cliffs in general consist of rude misshapen masses; but their summits are smooth and verdant, and continually browsed by herds of white goats, which were gambolling on the edge of the precipices as we passed beneath. I joined one of these frisking assemblies, whose shadows were stretched by the setting sun along the level herbage.

So now, Una Sackville, you know what is expected of you! Vere liked Lorna, and was amused to see us frisking about together. The afternoon before Lorna left we were chasing each other round the room in some mad freak when, turning towards Vere's couch, I thought I saw her head raised an inch or so from the pillow in her effort to follow our movements.

Soloman, having paced twice or thrice up and down the little room, contemplating himself in the glass at each turn, now touching his neatly-trimmed Saxon mustache and whiskers, then frisking his fingers through his candy-colored hair, brings his dignity into the chair. "I said it was all up with the St. Cecilia " "Yes!" interrupts Mrs.

The discourse was here interrupted by Toby, who entered the room, and was gleefully frisking and bounding round Mary. "Really," observed Mrs. Becker, "Toby does seem to know that this is New Year's Day, he looks so lively and so smart." The animal, in point of fact, wore a new collar, and seemed conscious that he was more than usually attractive that particular morning.