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What it wer he could not think; but he never consayted there was a freet or a bo thereaway; so he kep near it, watching every spang and turn it took, till it ran into the gripe by the roadside. There was a gravel pit just there, and Tom Ettles wished to take another gliff at it before he went on.

"Now," said Iron Skull, "don't be offended, but I'm wondering about your husband. I know Freet knows him and if it should just happen that your husband had any old scores to settle with the Boss " He paused and Pen exclaimed: "I believe we'd better go right back to New York, though as far as I know we're out here just for Sara's health and for him to buy up some land Mr. Freet knew about."

Suddenly he saw the whole great picture as his own work, and it was a picture as elusive, as tantalizing, as a boy's first dreams of pirate adventure. Jim had come to his first great dam. When he had shaken himself together and had swallowed the lump in his throat, he asked a passing workman for Mr. Freet, the Project Engineer. He was directed to a tent with a sheet iron roof.

Was the evil destiny that had made his father fail to follow him, too? Jim had always believed himself stronger than his father, somehow better fitted to cope with destiny. Yet ever since his trouble with Freet on the Makon there had been growing in Jim a vague distrust of his own powers. He could build the dams, yes, if "they" would leave him free to do so.

"Yes, sir," replied the man, "many, but also, many like me." "Then is your complaint against the real estate sharks or the government?" persisted the Secretary. "Against both!" cried the man. "Why did that Freet give Mellin and the other big fellow first choice in everything? Why must I pay for what I can't get?"

Jim shrugged his shoulders and turned to Pen, who was watching the two men anxiously. "Tell me about your plans. I'm mighty happy to have you here." "Sara's had the feeling for a long time that this climate would help him, and we've talked in a general way about coming. It was Mr. Freet that told Sara he thought there were some good real estate chances here and that decided Sara.

Look at yourself as a freshman in a difficult course, where too many cons means a life failure." Jim listened respectfully. At that moment Arthur Freet was the biggest man on earth to him. "Yes, sir," he said. "Thank you." Freet pulled on a corduroy coat. "Come over to supper, Manning. Too much advice on an empty stomach is bad for the digestion." Jim followed meekly after the Big Boss.

The real estate man sat down and the Secretary called on the Chairman of the Congressional investigating committee to make a brief summary of his charges. The Chairman said, succinctly: "I charge the Service with graft, gross extravagance and inefficiency. I call on you to remove the Director and four of his engineers, including Arthur Freet and James Manning, who are present."

The hobo, dancing with one of the flower girls, said: "Jane, I've been trying to get a chance to warn you not to say anything to Mrs. Penelope about that deal with Freet. I was a fool to let you see that letter tonight. Now I'm getting into national politics, you've got to learn to keep your mouth shut." "How'd you know me?" whispered the flower girl. "You don't dance as good as Mrs.

It may interest you to know that I had received a note this morning from Freet saying he was coming down here to see me on business." Oscar flushed. "Come on, Jane, let's be going. I'm much obliged to you for the cement talk. Why didn't you help me that way before, Mr. Manning?" Jim laughed. "I didn't know enough to, Oscar. To tell the truth, a lady has been after me, too!" "Mrs.

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