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Nous assiegerons Neisse PRO FORMA: le commandant se rendra et sortira. Nous prendrons les quartiers tranquillement, et ils pourront mener leur Armee oh ils voudront. Que tout cela soit fini en douze jours." That is to say: "'The whole of Lower Silesia, Neisse Town included; Neisse River for boundary: Glatz withal. Beyond the Oder, for the Duchies of Brieg and Oppeln the ancient limits.

A French poilu of Territorials, who had been dozing, sat up with a grin and said, "Mais oui, mon vieux," and felt in his pouch for a cartridge, and then in his pockets, and then in the magazine of the rifle between his knees. "Fini!" he said. "Tout fini, mon p'tit camarade."

'Monsieur! he said, in his thin, roused voice: 'Quand vous aurez fini A revulsion of contempt and disgust came over Gerald's soul. The disgust went to the very bottom of him, a nausea. Ah, what was he doing, to what depths was he letting himself go! As if he cared about her enough to kill her, to have her life on his hands!

'Mais oui, Madame. Il faudrait le cacher un peu. 'Padding? Tiens! j'en ai deja. But if Mathilde were to put any more, there would be nothing else. One day, Marie, you see, there will be only my clothes left to walk about by their little selves! She smiled. The maid said nothing. She was on her knees buttoning her mistress's shoes. 'Now then fini!

Thus the first Grand Hotel block is fourteenth century the Palazzo Gritti. The next Grand Hotel block is the Palazzo Fini and is seventeenth century, and the third is the Manolesso-Ferro, built in the fourteenth century and restored in the nineteenth. Then comes the charming fourteenth-century Contarini-Fasan Palace, known as the house of Desdemona, which requires more attention.

"Madelon. Mon Dieu! que si tout le monde vous ressemblait, un roman serait bientôt fini! La belle chose que ce serait, si d'abord Cyrus épousait Mandane, et qu'Aronce de plain-pied fût marié

While Pourtales was standing there in his turn, not long after ten o'clock at night, Agassiz lifted himself up in bed, and said with emphasis: 'Le jeu est fini. Then, sinking back, he passed away. 'The play is done. Plaudite. For Agassiz life was a game, full of motion, crowded with incident.

A Pest je traversai le Danube et entrai dans Bude sept jours après mon départ de Belgrade. Bude, la principale ville de Hongrie, est sur une hauteur beaucoup plus longue que large. Au levant elle a le Danube, au couchant un vallon, et au midi un palais qui commande la porte de la ville, palais qu'a commencé l'empereur, et qui, quand on l'aura fini, sera grand et fort.

Monsieur Bordier stepped before the curtain. "My friends!" he began, but his voice failed, and he only added, "C'est fini!" With hardly a word the audience moved to the exits. But Braith, turning to the right, made his way through a long, low passage and strode toward a little stage door. It was flung open and a man hurried past him. "Monsieur!" called Braith. "Monsieur!"

She must take her departure, or I shall go to pieces, morally and physically. To be in a temper like this, at my age, shortens one's life you know that." "And you can't subdue the temper?" he asked, with a queer smile. "No, I can't! That's flat. She gets on my nerves, and I'm not responsible. C'est fini." "Well," he said, slowly, "I hope you understand what it means?"