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"Because I have heard her many times say, 'Bon-bon bonbon bonbon' which means candee; and always I have given her candee, an' now ze leetle Melisse say 'Bonbon' all of ze time." "Well," said Cummins, eying him in half belief. "Could it happen?" Like a shot Jan replied: "I began in Engleesh, an' Jan Thoreau is French!" He began playing, but Cummins did not hear much of the music.

"She's sairtainly pretty. What did she say that time, Tid?" Tid kept to himself what she said. "It's a cut above the likes of you we're discussin'," said Tid. "She'll be goin' to England to marry an English officer," said Scotty. The girl whirled on him. "No. No Engleesh officier a French officier!" "I had a notion you'd spoil it," said Tid. "Ma Gud," groaned Scotty.

We do not venture to write down what he said, but when he had said it the blank look of the elderly lady and the peculiar look of the girl induced him to repeat the speech in his broken his very much broken French, whereupon the old gentleman turned to him gravely and said "My vife is Engleesh, an' my datter is Danish no, not joost vell, she is 'af-an'-'af. Speak to dem in your nattif tong."

It is leetle wikness of you Engleesh; we in Portugal never touch it, save as a liqueur; therefore we require less slip. Friend squire upstairs is at this moment no better than a porker. Have I made mistake? I thought it was the same word in both languages; but I am glad to see you smile, Senhor Cole; that is good sign.

Mine pody schtays in dis hole in dis old house, put mit dese vat I gather since ven I vas young, I go to heafen every night. Hah, hah, hah! dot Engleesh voman on der virst vloor dink she know a petter vay off going to heafen; und she dalk her reeleegious schargou to me, ven she know notting at all put vat der briests dell her.

"H'm; you seem to be branching out quite extensively. Only, don't get in too deep." Truesdale gave this valuable advice in a patronizing tone of which he alone was master. "Yes, I should think Cook County would do very well for you until you have learned to spik something besides ze Engleesh." He picked up his hat and moved towards the door. "English will do for me!" retorted Roger, savagely.

By gar, de Engleesh never tink but for deir bellie. Give de Jack Engleeshman plenty beef plenty pudding plenty porter, by gar he never tink any more, he lay down, he go a sleep like vun hog." "But, Monsieur le count," continued Laurens, "the English are doing worse for us than thinking. They are working away like horses, and will soon get their defences too high for us to scale."

"Lily best donkey Lily name for Americans, Merry Widow for Engleesh " "Come, lady, with me, Sammy best donkey in Egypt, verry good, Sammy my donkey, best donkey " "Kitchener, lady, best donkey in Egypt, me speak verry good Engleesh, alla way gallop." And so on in a continuous yell. The dragoman shouts out the numbers of the donkeys, and helps the ladies of the party to mount.

"Comme ils sont chics, ces braves anglais!" They did not soon tire of expressing their admiration for the "chic" style of our young officers, so neat and clean-cut and workmanlike, with their brown belts and brown boots, and khaki riding breeches. "Ulloh... Engleesh boy? Ahlright, eh?"

Two days' trail from here dere ees an Engleesh Mission, where a married priest preach zee Gospel to zee Indians. He ees vaire good man, who laugh like an angel!" A musing look came on Stane's face, and he sat for some time in thought, then when the opportunity came he walked with Helen on the edge of the wood, conversing earnestly.