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After that you could hear them for a long time calling from half-way, 'Engleeshman, kom hier. So one or two more of our chaps went out and exchanged cigarettes, etc., and they all seemed decent fellows." "The Germans gave a song, and then our chaps gave them one in return.

By gar, de Engleesh never tink but for deir bellie. Give de Jack Engleeshman plenty beef plenty pudding plenty porter, by gar he never tink any more, he lay down, he go a sleep like vun hog." "But, Monsieur le count," continued Laurens, "the English are doing worse for us than thinking. They are working away like horses, and will soon get their defences too high for us to scale."

Next day I boarded a train which, I was told, would carry me to the Front. We puffed along in a leisurely sort of way. The engineer seemed to halt whenever he had a mind; no matter where he halted, grubby children miraculously appeared and ran along the bank, demanding from Monsieur Engleeshman "ceegarettes" and "beescuits."

Engleeshman!" and scooting with an armful of clothing, small pots of eatables, official documents and other sundries, told me point-blank that he did not believe that such a noble person could not speak such a contemptible language as Chinese. Seeing no official, then, I presumed I was their man.

I cannot truthfully deny, however, that the fellow was very kind, but he would persist in the belief that it was an impossibility for me to tell the truth. Later, pointing at me and eyeing me up and down as I shaved in the twilight, he sneered, "Engleeshman!