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Why, hello, Pelletan," he added, as the latter approached him humbly, as a slave approaches the Sultan. "Want to speak to me?" "Eef monsieur please," answered the little Frenchman, who was plainly labouring under deep excitement. "All right; what is it?" "Wass monsieur serious in hees command t'at I exclude t'e Prince of Zeit-Zeit?" "Never more serious in my life. He's barred!

Eet vould be all righdt eef I vas not a seek man.

"Don Miguel say to me, señor: 'Pablo, any people she's stay my house he's do what she please. Gracias, Señor Parker." And he pouched the bill. "Mille gracias, señor." "Pray, do not mention it, Pablo." "All right," Pablo agreed. "Eef you don't like eet, well, I don' tell somebody!"

We wrap each coil een damp cloths, and we put them een the contacts, and we turn on the eelectreeceetee and then eet ees many hours that the hair ees baked, ees cooked een the proper curves, eh? Now, very steel, eef you please!" And softly she opened the door. Before us loomed what I can only describe as a mountain of red female flesh.

Ba, eef you is not have heem dose carabine, you mus' need dose leetle grub he geev you, and not plaintee Injun follow you, onlee two." "And I cannot get the rifle." "An' dose ole man is don' sen' you out till eet is too late for mak' de grub on de fores'. Dat's w'at I t'ink. Dat ees not fonny for you." Ned Trent's eyes were almost black with thought. Suddenly he threw his head up.

Well, eef the party underground was my frien', and I knew his fam'ly, and was sure the money was belong to him I'd do differend perhaps. Mais, it is going going gone! You won' go snac'?" The old man smiled and looked steadily away. "Blas' me to h l! but you aire the firs' man ever I strike that jib at the sight of col' coin. She don' frighten me!" Bonny always swore when he felt embarrassed.

"Eef Don Mike is here, nobody can talk to me like dose ol' man, your father, he speak to me." And he wagged his head sorrowfully. Kay came close to him. "Listen, Pablo: I have a secret for you. You, must not tell anybody. Don Mike is not dead." He raised his old head with languid interest and nodded comprehension. "My wife, Carolina, she tell me same thing all time.

For some reason, probably because of a permissible vagueness in statements couched in a foreign tongue, he insisted on using English. "Eef you haf seen my frien's you tell me vare I fin' dem. I come your office to-morrow, an' make ze complete explanation," he said. "I must trouble you to-night, please," insisted Steingall quietly.

He play beeg museeck for you and ze ladee last night. So?" "He did and took us off our feet. Tell him, will you?" "He no un'erstand," laughed Louis, "eef I tell him 'off de feet." "That's so no American idioms yet for him, eh? Well, say he made us very happy with his wonderful music. I'll wager that will get over to him."

He had lived with "a familiar spirit" so long, he feared the issue of this next excursion into the fens of crime. Dupont was on his feet now. "He will be here only three days more I haf find it so. To-night it mus' be done. As we go I will tell you what to say. I will wait at the Forks, an' we will come back togedder. His cheque will do. Eef he gif at all, the cheque is all right.