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And as the letter was taken the bearer's droll-looking, good-humoured face gradually expanded into a broad grin, and then seemed to shut up sharply as the young officer raised his eyes. "Here, Pete, what were you grinning at? At me?" "No, sir. That I warn't, sir. I never grin at you. I only do that at the Sergeant when he aren't looking." "You were certainly grinning, Pete."

Now, which are we to respect most, his advice or his example?" "Let us go on," said Spavin, "perhaps there are others whose claims are as modest and disinterested; we shan't say anything about being as well founded. You secretary fellow, read away." "Before you go any farther," said a droll-looking person named M'Small, "you must pass me a bridge over Lumlay's Leap.

He looked so displeased when you said, 'What a droll-looking figure! I was on thorns for you!" "What a pity! I would not offend dear Sir Miles for the world." "Well, it's easy to make it up with him. Go and tell him that he must take you to see Guy's Oak, in the dell; that you have heard so much about it; and when you get him on his hobby, it is hard if you can't make your peace."

In the evening, Francois caught a chameleon, a droll-looking little creature, which changed color in a marvellous manner. Our road, next day, lay directly across the Plain of Esdraelon, one of the richest districts in the world. It is now a green sea, covered with fields of wheat and barley, or great grazing tracts, on which multitudes of sheep and goats are wandering.

"Just a couple of words!" whispered another voice in the prince's other ear, and another hand took his other arm. Muishkin turned, and to his great surprise observed a red, flushed face and a droll-looking figure which he recognized at once as that of Ferdishenko. Goodness knows where he had turned up from! "Do you remember Ferdishenko?" he asked. "Where have you dropped from?" cried the prince.

He preferred to turn to the consideration of the qualities of the steamer in sight, a subject on which, as seamen, they might better sympathize. "That's a droll-looking revenue cutter, after all, Capt. Spike," he said "a craft better fitted to go in a fleet, as a look-out vessel, than to chase a smuggler in-shore." "And no goer in the bargain!

"It's both your faults, and you ought to be ashamed of yourselves." "I'm not," said Sally; "and I wish I'd never seen him." "And I'm sure I wish the same," said Jem despondently. "I never see such a temper." "There, Master Don," cried the droll-looking little Dutch doll of a woman. "That's how he is always going on." "There, Jem, now you've made your poor little wife cry.

In such an air the sense of strangeness soon wore off, and Tony was beginning to feel himself vastly at home, when a lift of the tide bore him against a droll-looking bell-ringing fellow who carried above his head a tall metal tree hung with sherbet-glasses. The encounter set the glasses spinning and three or four spun off and clattered to the stones.

He stopped short, laughing to himself, as he suddenly caught sight of a droll-looking figure, standing knee-deep in the river, busy with rod and line, gently throwing a worm-baited hook into the deep black water, under the projecting rocks at the foot of the cliff.

Oscar and Smart seemed to have some great secrets between them, and, after keeping Felix and the little girls in suspense for some time, Smart put his hand into his pocket, and brought out a tiny, little, droll-looking monkey. Shrieks of delight were heard, Felix exclaiming above all, "Oh give him to me, let him be mine; oh the darling fellow."