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M. de Stael told me of a curious interview he had with Buonaparte when he was enraged with his mother, who had published remarks on his government concluding with "Eh! bien vous avez raison aussi. Je concois qu'un fils doit toujours faire la defense de sa mere, mais enfin, si Monsieur veut ecrire des libelles, il faut aller en Angleterre.

C'est comme cela que ca doit etre chante. Votre voix est delicieuse, le timbre que j'aime mezzo-soprano, avec ces notes hautes et claires." Auber came up flushed with delight at my success, and said to Rossini, "Did I say too much about Madame Moulton's voice?" "Not enough," replied Rossini.

What he got only sharpened his appetite for more. King Tancred of Sicily owed the dowry of Richard's sister Joan. He swore he would wring that out of him to the last doit. He offered the city of London to the highest bidder, and lamented the slaughter of the Jews when the tenders were few. Here was a position to be in! His Englishmen lay rotting in Southampton town, his ships in Southampton water.

'Je pars, Madame, dans L'instant, en Sorte que vous feriez reflection, et retourniez au plus vite, tout doit vous Engager, si vous avez de l'amitie pour mois, Car je ne puis pas me dispenser de vous repeter, Combien chaque jour de votre absence faira du tor a mes affaier outre Le desire d'avoire une Coinpagnie si agreable dans une si triste solitude, que ma malheureuse situation m'oblige indispensablement de tenire.

So saying, he resumed his seat in the saddle, and easing his horse, endeavoured, by sundry dog noises such as, 'Yooi doit, Ravager! 'Gently, Paragon! 'Here again. Mercury! to restrain the ardour of the leading hounds, so as to let the rebellious tail ones up and go into cover with something like a body.

Never talk for more than three minutes on any topic. Wear a wrist-watch and keep your eye on it. If at the end of three minutes you cannot change the subject, tell one of the following anecdotes. And I am quite sure also that Professor Doit would write to his class: 'Whatever topic you discuss, discuss it originally. Be apt. Be bright. Be pertinent. Be yourself.

The captain was looking at the guineas, and then at the belt, and then at the gentleman's face; and I thought he seemed excited. "Half of it," he cried, "and I'm your man!" The other swept back the guineas into the belt, and put it on again under his waistcoat. "I have told ye sir" said he, "that not one doit of it belongs to me.

On 'lui doit des politesses, on fait l'eloge de ses charmes, et il n'en est ni plus ni moins pour cela': it pleases, it flatters; you get their good word, and you lose nothing by it.

Mr. Berryl offered his bond for the amount of the reasonable charges in his account; but this Mordicai absolutely refused, declaring that now he had the power in his own hands, he would use it to obtain the utmost penny of his debt; that he would not let the thing slip through his fingers; that a debtor never yet escaped him, and never should; that a man's lying upon his deathbed was no excuse to a creditor; that he was not a whiffler, to stand upon ceremony about disturbing a gentleman in his last moments; that he was not to be cheated out of his due by such niceties; that he was prepared to go all lengths the law would allow; for that, as to what people said of him, he did not care a doit 'Cover your face with your hands, if you like it, Mr.

On verra dans le IVe. volume comment douze ou treize ans d'observations et de réflections continuelles sur ce même sujet auront modifié ce premier germe de mes conjectures; je n'en parle ici qu'historiquement, et pour faire voir qu'elles sont les premières idées que le grande spectacle du Cramont doit naturellement faire éclore dans une tête qui n'a encore épousé aucun système