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Katharine watched it all with an interest always strained, a gaiety somewhat hysterical; Jocelyn Thew with the measured pleasure of a critic; Richard with uproarious, if sometimes a little unreal merriment. The time slipped by apparently unnoticed. Suddenly Richard glanced at his wrist-watch and stood up. "I must go," he declared. "I had no idea that it was so late."

At the end the snow began to fall, a soft powder like the overspill of a storm raging beyond the crest. It was just after that that Wake cried out that in five minutes we would be at the summit. He consulted his wrist-watch. 'Jolly good time, too. Only twenty-five minutes behind my best. It's not one o'clock.

She bought a number of things in the little expensive shops eau-de-Cologne, sweets, an electric lamp, a wrist-watch, and some preserved fruit. Trenchard made her presents; she thanked him with a gratitude that made him so happy that he stumbled over his sword more than ever, blushing and pushing his cap back from his head.

Afterward he took from the bones of the hand two rings, a wrist-watch, a whistle which still hung by a short chain and a round object attached to a metal ring like a sleigh-bell. There was a hollow just beyond, made once in time of flood by some ancient mountain torrent long dry, and no longer to be feared.

He had not been there very long; the luminous dial of his wrist-watch told him that when, although he had heard no sound on the soft carpet of pine needles, something suddenly hit the wire and the cowbell tinkled in the darkness. Recklow was on his feet in an instant and running south along the wire.

"Half-past five!" said Louise then, looking at her little wrist-watch. "We must hurry with the fishing." So they went into the living-room and had a delightful time fishing in the pond back of the table. There was a gift for everyone who fished, and when six o'clock struck, and it was time to go home, each small guest had a package to take along.

It had just been getting dark when she last remembered anything; it was getting dark now. Yet surely she had been here more than, say, half an hour? She thought of her wrist-watch. It had stopped, the hands pointing to a quarter to one. That meant it had run down, for she had wound it at a quarter to one was it yesterday? How could she tell?

"Indeed, you should have told me, and it does concern, far more than you think," she replied, drying her eyes and cheeks. "I know I must look frightful." "You don't look nothing of the sort. You couldn't if you tried to." "Will you be home to-night, Uncle Josiah?" she asked, looking at her wrist-watch. It was half-past ten o'clock. "Cal'late to be." "May I come to see you?"

On the steps outside the rebuffed Merton Gill glanced at his own natty wrist-watch, bought with some of the later wages of his shame. It was the luncheon hour; mechanically he made his way to the cafeteria. He had ceased to rehearse the speech a doughtier Baird would now have been hearing. Instead he roughly drafted one that Sarah Nevada Montague could not long evade.

The two went out of doors together. Azalea jumped at the chance, and running into the library, glanced over the letters Farnsworth had written. As she had surmised, there was one addressed to Samuel Thorpe, Horner's Corners, Arizona. Azalea didn't touch it. She merely glanced at her wrist-watch and hurried up to her own room.

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