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"Upon my soul, I am about of the same opinion; so give the benediction, Fleece, and I'll away to my supper." Upon this, Fleece, holding both hands over the fishy mob, raised his shrill voice, and cried "Cussed fellow-critters! Kick up de damndest row as ever you can; fill your dam bellies 'till dey bust and den die."

He looked at Bob questioningly, unwilling to approach nearer his tragedy unless it was necessary. Bob nodded. "Then I begun to dream. Things come to me. I'd see places plain like the falls at Cascadell and smell things. For a fact, I smelt azaleas plain and sweet once; and woke up in the damndest alkali desert you ever see.

"And you like a f-fool, Perry! Here's you come back t' life like a fool, instead o' dying comfortably and respectably like wise man. Here's you hoping and yearning to marry and that's the damndest folly of all. Much better be comfortably dead " "For shame, Anthony for shame!" cried I angrily. "If you have so lost respect for yourself at least think of and respect your wife " "Wife!" he exclaimed.

There's something inside of me that'll lick you, lick you hollow. Do your damndest, my lads, my breaking point is outside your reach." And as a Parthian arrow he said "Blast you!" and banged the door. A point of interest arises as to how long one determined girl armed with a revolver can hold up three desperate men also armed and further fortified by greed of gold.

When I said that the bargain seemed silly he smiled again, and then he thundered his fist down on the table and said that no one had ever yet got the best of Bill Snyth and that that was the worst bargain for himself that the Devil ever made, and that from all he had read or heard of the Devil he had never been so badly had before as the night when he met Bill Snyth at the inn in the thunderstorm in Cuba, for Bill Snyth already had the damndest soul at sea; Bill was a good fellow, but his soul was damned right enough, so he got the crystal for nothing.

It ain't every day they get a chance at a jo-darter of a buster like " "Like the damndest liar in four states meaning you," cut in Swing. "You're right," admitted Racey, promptly. "When I was speaking of a jo-darter I meant you, so I was a liar. I admit it. I might 'a' known you wouldn't appreciate my kind words. Besides being several other things, you're an ungrateful cuss. Gimme the makin's."

As one youth attached to the American Embassy in London remarked, it was "the damndest piece of impertinence" of which he had ever heard. But he is quite a young gentleman, and has doubtless had more experience in ballrooms than in bombarded cities.

It's going to be ten miles, across country, across the damndest country you ever saw, Sledge Hume! It's going to be a distance race and an endurance race. And since it's going to be here in the West it's going to be Western. I don't care if you run or don't run and I don't care if it is for five cents or for five thousand dollars."

And, judging from this room" he looked about at the well-filled book-shelves "you don't look like one. Quite a library. Harvey Wheelwright! Lord! I might have known. Great stuff, isn't it?" "Do you think so?" "Do I think so! I think it's the damndest spew that ever got into print. But it sells; millions. It's the piety touch does it.

She had one of them sweet, strong faces, John, like the nun when I had my arm broke and was scalded, her sweet mouth kept mumblin' prayers, but her fingers held an artery shut that was trying its damndest to pump Gun Gunderson's old heart dry strong character, you bet. "Well, that woman sat facing our table and kept looking at me; I couldn't see her without turning, but I knew she was looking.