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I seen her through the window a-comin' in. She never had heard a word 'bout my tough ways. I didn't have the nerve to let her know I was a worthless cuss bein' hunted down by the community. There you was lyin' where my shot laid you, like you was dead. The idea struck me sudden, and I just took your badge off and fastened it onto myself, and I fastened my reputation onto you.

Besides, it would very likely ruin him, disgusting little beggar." "You leave him to me! He roared his throat to a frazzle the other night, and can't make a sound, but he'll come round as soon as he's better, and then if I don't give it to him! Little cuss!... But I'm to blame, too, Gerald.

Certainly a prize fighter in whipping a friend to raise money to support one wife and one set of children, when the other fellow is willing to take the chances of being whipped, is not as bad as a praying old cuss who marries from twenty to forty feeble minded females and raises a flock of narrow headed children to turn loose after a while, with not much more brain than goslings.

"I am not accustomed to hear my wife spoken of with such freedom," said Mr. Shelby, dryly. "Beg pardon; of course, only a joke, you know," said Haley, forcing a laugh. "Some jokes are less agreeable than others," rejoined Shelby. "Devilish free, now I've signed those papers, cuss him!" muttered Haley to himself; "quite grand, since yesterday!"

He is an old man now, and if there is such a thing as an aristocratic negro, he is one; with his face black as ebony, his hair white as snow, and his eyes full of intelligence and fire, especially when he talks of Miss Dory and 'de good ole times fo' she went to Georgy and met de Northern cuss. That is what he calls the man who came for the little girl after the old grandmother died.

Fred Thurman had been one; a "bull-headed cuss" who had the temerity to fight back when the Sawtooth calmly laid claim to the first water rights to Granite Creek, having bought it, they said, with the placer claim of an old miner who had prospected along the headwaters of Granite at the base of Bear Top. By that time the Sawtooth had grown to a power no poor man could hope to defeat.

Where did she learn to hold a gun like that?" "Her father taught her, so she said." "She wouldn't remember me an old cuss like me but I've seen her with Wetherford when she was a kidlet. I never thought she'd grow up into such a 'queen. She's a wonder." Strange to say, Ross no longer objected to the old man's words of admiration; on the contrary, he encouraged him to talk on.

Well, sir, when they got about a mile from camp they saw Jim standing in the trail, and smiling all over his honest, homely face. He took Castle for a customer, of course, and after saying "Howdy" to Thorn, opened right up: "I reckon Thorn hev toted you up to see thet blessid infunt as I'm mother, father and wet-nuss to. Thar never was sich a kid. She's jest the cutest little cuss ever you see.

Possibly they are going to take us up to the leader of their fleet and let him decide. The cuss that is in command of this ship seems surprised to death to find out that I can comprehend the principles of his ship. He seems to think that I am a sort of a rara avis, a freak of nature. He intimated that he would recommend that we be used for vivisection." "Good Lord!"

He'll get off." "That he will, but it's because he's Brigham. You ain't. You're just a south country Bishop. Don't you know he'd throw you to the Gentile courts as a sop quicker'n a wink if he got a chance, just like he'll do with old John D. Lee the minute George A. peters out so the chain will be broke between Lee and Brigham?" "And maybe this cuss has got friends," suggested Glines.