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Incidentally he stubbornly refused to admit that he had anything to do with the killing of Brent, whom the sheriff of Sanborn had finally identified as the aforetime foreman of the Olla. "There's nothing personal about this, young fella," said one of the men as Pete's dark eyes blinked somberly. "It's our business, that's all." "And it's a dam' crawlin' business," asserted Pete.

"Get down on your knees. I ain't forgot that you called me a 'nigger' once, and hit me with a quirt. It'll kinda wipe it out to see you crawlin' to Pete, that you always treated like dirt. Git down on your knees and beg, if you want me to talk!" She sank to the floor of the wagon without a word. He looked at her queerly as she knelt.

"`Will ye? says he, quite pleased like. "`I will, says I, an' galloped off to a place as was filled wi' all sorts o' crawlin' things. So I sets to work, and whenever I seed a thing crawlin' I sot my fut on it and crushed it, and soon filled my breast pocket. I coched a lot o' butterflies too, an' stuffed them into my shot pouch, and went back in an hour or two an' showed him the lot.

"We'll sure hump you if you-all come in," Daylight warned him. "It's an almighty good hunch," Kearns said, adding his slip for two thousand to the growing heap. "I can feel her crawlin' up and down my back." "I ain't got a hunch, but I got a tolerable likeable hand," Campbell announced, as he slid in his slip; "but it's not a raising hand." "Mine is," Daylight paused and wrote.

No envy, nor detraction, nor jealousy, no such low underbrush full of crawlin' reptiles, nor no high solid trees, no danger of any sort can keep him back. His big brave, generous heart is sot on helpin' his country, he'll do it. On the south side, is the saddest sight that a patriotic American can see.

"I forgot you men don't come down here very often and that my driver never has anything to say to anybody. Why, it's the Blackbird mine over across the divide on the east spur. Bad, old fashioned mine she was, with crawlin' ground. Lime streaks all through the formation and plenty of water. Nobody quite knows how it happened.

"Folks ain't never satisfied with their mercies. Allers a' flyin' in the face uv Providence. I tell you we'se wurms, child; miserable, shiftless wurms, a' crawlin' down in this walley of humiliation, with our faces ter the dust." "But you've got a great deal to be thankful for, Mrs. Riggs," ventured Evadne, "in having such a daughter. Aunt Marthe thinks she is a splendid character."

To be brief, Alf admitted that 'Rast Little was at his house in the outskirts of the village, laid up with a broken arm and a bad cut in the top of his head. "He came crawlin' up to my place about six o'clock in the mornin'," explained Alf, "an' I took the poor cuss in. That's what I wanted to tell Anderson, but the old rip wouldn't listen to me.

"Heavens! if you would only tell the truth, Zeb. Did you really see an Indian, though?" "'Deed I did, and he run when he see'd me in arnist." "And you saw others yesterday, did you?" remarked Rosalind. "Two or free, down toward de woods. I spied 'em crawlin' and smellin' down dar, and axes dem dar business. Dey said as how dey's lookin' for a jack-knife dat dey lost dar last summer.

Then the leer came back into his face. "Ever hear of the Garden of Eden, Lemuel?" "Yes," said Marks, glad to divert the dangerous drunkard. "You ought," said Peppers. "Your grandpap was there, eatin' dirt an' crawlin' on his belly." We roared, and while the tavern was still shaking with it, Roy came in carrying an old and badly battered fiddle under his arm.