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Isn't your lightsome laugh, whin you wor young, in my ears? and your step that 'ud not bend the flower of the field Kathleen, I can't, indeed I can't, bear to think of what you wor, nor of what you are now, when in the coorse of age and natur, but a small change ought to be upon you! Sure I ought to make every struggle to take you and these sorrowful crathurs out of the state you're in."

"Oh, dear! oh, dear!" sobbed Jenny; "an' I not there to hilp them! An' poor Miss Mary, the tinder thing! Oh, 'tis hard, terribly hard for the crathurs! an' they not used to the like." "Can nothing be done for them?" said I. "That is what we want to know," returned Emilia, "and that was one of my reasons for coming up to D. I wanted to consult you and Jenny upon the subject.

He then spoke nearly as follows: 'I came in drunk on Friday night last, and got to my bed here; I don't remember how. Sometime in the night it seemed to me I wakened, and feeling unasy in myself, I got up out of the bed. I wanted the fresh air; but I would not make a noise to open the window, for fear I'd waken the crathurs.

Neither of the two were sufficiently acquainted with the peculiarities of the different animals of the West to identify them by any slight peculiarities. "I don't think he can be an ilephant or a rhinoceros," said Mickey, reflectively, "because such crathurs don't grow in these parts. What about his being a grizzly bear?"

Why, thin, you snakin' ould rogue, is that the way wid you? Throth I have often hard it said, that 'one fool makes many; but sure enough, 'an ould fools worse nor any. Come in here this minute, I say walk back you to have your horn up! Faix, indeed!" "Why! I am only goin' to get the small phaties boiled for the pigs, poor crathurs, for their Christmas dinner.

I must be kapin' up their sperits, the crathurs, that dunno what's before them at all at all; only thinks they're to be all gintlemin an' ladies. This, as he followed his master towards the cabins: 'Whisht here, Misther Robert, lowering his tone confidentially. You'd laugh if you heard what they think they're goin' to get. Coinin' would be nothin' to it.

Well, Terry Neil for that was my father's name began to feel his heart growin' light, and his purse heavy; an' he took a bit iv a farm in Squire Phelim's ground, just undher the ould castle, an' a pleasant little spot it was; an' day an' mornin' poor crathurs not able to put a foot to the ground, with broken arms and broken legs, id be comin' ramblin' in from all quarters to have their bones spliced up.

"Faitha, sir, I couldn't exactly say, but every one says it. It's said we're to get five guineas a head, sir, and be provided for afther; I have nine o' them, sir, eight crathurs and Biddy herself she can't spake English, but, wid the help o' God, I could consthre it for her. Faith, she'd make a choice Prodestan, sir, for wanst she takes a thing into her head the devil wouldn't get it out.

"Faith, madam! an' I thought the captain was stark, staring mad to fire his fallow on such a windy day, and that blowing right from the lake to the house. When Old Wittals came in and towld us that the masther was not to the fore, but only one lad, an' the wife an' the chilther at home, thinks I, there's no time to be lost, or the crathurs will be burnt up intirely.

Indeed it was a pitiful sight to see the ragged crathurs drawing in in a ring nearer and nearer the dying fire; and their poor, naked, half-starved mother, sitting with her youngest infant lying between her knees and her breast; for the bed was too cowld to put it into it, without being kept warm by the heat of them that it used to sleep with."