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After all, I reflected, Mickey Clancy could take care quite well of that estate at Glandore; and, if he didn't, Father Donovan would soon bring him to trouble; and, if Father Donovan couldn't, why, the place was worth very little any how. Besides, 'tis a very weak man who cannot throw an estate into the air for a pair of bright eyes. Aye, and Lady Mary's bright eyes! That was one matter.

He even began to neglect the "prar-meetin'," and old Tobe told him to his face, "You'se back-slidin' fur as you kin slide, inch or so." His son-in-law, Kern Watson, had won such a good reputation for steadiness that he was taken into the fire department. When off duty he was always with "Sissy an' de chilen." Outwardly there was but slight change in Owen Clancy.

"And what use might it be to make it any deeper?" grumbled McRory. "Sure it's deep enough for all we need it." "May be," said Sergeant Clancy, with bitter sarcasm, "it's yourself that'll just be stepping up to the Colonel and saying friendly like to him: 'Prickles, me lad, it's deep enough we've dug to lave us get out to our German Gineral.

Her face was pale, and there were tears in her eyes; her attire, by no means so magnificent as that which Michael had depicted to himself, was somewhat disordered; she had not even taken the trouble to assume a hat, and her curly hair was blown about her brow, so that she looked very like the little Roseen of old. "Michael Clancy," she cried, "what did I do to ye that ye wouldn't come to see me?"

The wretched thought haunted Mara that Owen Clancy, unblinded, had discovered for himself, what had been forced upon her, that there were Northern people with whom he could gladly affiliate.

He'd kept undher cover f'r months, livin' in freight cars an' hidin' undher viadocks with th' pistol in his hand. Wan night he come out, an' broke into Schwartzmeister's place. He sneaked through th' alley with th' German man's damper in his arms, an' Clancy leaped on him fr'm th' fence.

But they both kept silent, and when he had disappeared round the next traverse, Riley grinned and winked at his companion. "He's hooked, Brockie," he said exultantly. "Now you wait and " He stopped as a rifle-man moved round the corner and took up a position on the firing step near them. "I'll bet," said Riley delightedly, "Clancy has put him there to listen to anything he can catch us saying."

Finally one evening it was four days after his arrival he joined me as I was strolling in the garden smoking an after dinner pipe. "May I have just a word with you, Mr. Crosby?" he asked. "I am at your service, Mr. Clancy," said I. His manner was gravely portentous and prepared me for the statement that was coming. "I have spotted my man," he said.

"If she sets as high out of water with two hundred and forty barrels, then you ought to put two hundred and forty more in her and she'd fly," called out Clancy to Hollis, and that was pretty much what we all thought. And 'twas Sam Hollis made trouble for the Duncan that day. He bore off then but came back in the afternoon. More talk there was, and it wound up by our racing with him.

Then he looked at Johnnie and said, "Thank you, Johnnie; and tell your mother, Johnnie, and your cousin, that I'll fly the Johnnie Duncan's colors and stand by them if ever it comes to standing by till she goes under. Tell your grandfather that I'll be proud to be master of his vessel and I'll sail her the best I know how." "That's you, Maurice," said Clancy.