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At this moment the door gently opens to the sound of soft music, and lo! the most delicate of birds is before the most enamored of men! But what inexpressible dismay now overshadows the countenance of the Duc? "Horreur! chien! Baptiste! l'oiseau! ah, bon Dieu! cet oiseau modeste que tu as deshabille de ses plumes, et que tu as servi sans papier!"

"Where is Boswell? Mon Dieu! the house is burning and the master is not found! Adolphe, sauve la Marquise, cet escalier n'est pas perdu. But where is Boswell? Show his room to me the nearest way quick, or he perishes. Ah, le voil

"Dans toute la durée de son existence, an milieu des revers comme dans la prospérité cet inébranlable gouvernement ne fit qu'une seule fois des concessions

"Il est très bien, cet Ashley," the Marquise continued, "chic distinguished no more like a wooden man than any other Englishman. Il est très bien but what a difference! two natures the one a mountain pool, fierce, deep, hemmed in all round the other the great sea. Voil

Prince and Princess Metternich, Auber, and ourselves went to his concert. Auber said, "Cet idiot, noir et aveugle, est vraiment merveilleux." Blind Tom had learned his repertoire entirely by ear; therefore it was very limited, as he could only remember what he had heard played a few days before. His memory did not last long. He was wonderful.

The sister glanced at him with a deepening of that curious air of mockery and let fall two words in the same tongue. Then she turned to Arlee. "Je suis enchantée d'avoir cet honneur cet honneur inattendu " She did not look remarkably enchanted, however.

Il y a bien des jours que je voulais vous ecrire, et ce long silence me faisait craindre que vous ne fussiez malade, comme vous l'etiez en effet; mais je me disais aussi que les vacances de Paques vous ameneraient sans doute a Paris. J'espere que le printemps vous guerira completement de cet acces; et que vous serez delivre de ce mal si douloureux, des que la chaleur nous sera revenue.

J'étois logé chez un marchand Catalan. Cet homme ayant dit

"Mais qu'est-ce qu'il a cet homme," thought Stepan Trofimovitch, trembling and waiting in terror for what was in store for him. The cab-drivers, too, came forward and began bargaining with him; they asked three roubles to Ustyevo. The others shouted that that was not too much, that that was the fare, and that they had been driving from here to Ustyevo all the summer for that fare.

Martin's, and there did hazer cet que je voudrai mit her, and drank and sat most of the afternoon with her and her sister, and here she promises me her fine starling, which was the King's, and speaks finely, which I shall be glad of, and so walked to the Temple, meeting in the street with my cozen Alcocke, the young man, that is a good sober youth, I have not seen these four or five years, newly come to town to look for employment: but I cannot serve him, though I think he deserves well, and so I took coach and home to my business, and in the evening took Mrs.