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Alfred Nobel was the inventor of an explosive, a rearranger of things assumed and things unbedded, and it was this same expansive, half-terrible, half-sublime power in other men and other men's books he wanted to endow the power to free and mobilize the elements in a world, make it budge over a little toward a new one.

"I don't think many of the people were there that you met before none, I believe, but Sir Antony Thornhirst." "And how was he?" I tried to say as naturally as possible. "He seemed in the best of health and spirits. There is an intelligent person, if you like. I wish he would enter Parliament." "But Sir Antony is a Tory, I understand, Mr. Budge! He would be no use to you," I said.

To think of such a scheme coming into his mind, and driving us all nearly wild with excitement! Allan's strong will bore down all opposition. Mother's feeble remonstrances, which came from a sheer terror of change; even Uncle Geoffrey's sturdy refusal to budge an inch out of the old house where he had lived so long, did not weigh a straw against Allan's solid reasoning.

Percy got the lower near the door, with Budge over him; while Spurling drew the back lower, and Stevens the one above that. "Percy and I are the lucky ones," said Jim. "We can try this a month, then have a shake-up to give you top men a chance nearer the floor." Percy pulled out his wrappers and tobacco. Spurling nipped his preparations in the bud. "No cigarettes in here!"

You just follow me every minute! I don't want you out of my sight!" They began to move forward now, Betsy's eyes wildly roving from one place to another. How COULD a little girl earn money at a county fair! She was horribly afraid to go up and speak to a stranger, and yet how else could she begin? "Here, Molly, you wait here," she said. "Don't you budge till I come back." But alas!

'O Lord, nothing here, groaned she, as she sat with her back to the head-board. She did not budge an inch as we commenced at her bed. "The sergeant had gone to the head-board, I to the foot. I saw a twinkle in his eye as he turned over the rough comfort, his hand reached down he drew it up gradually, and the old woman slid as gradually from the lock to the muzzle of a long Kentucky rifle.

One old fellow, a good deal of a character in his way, used to be on the "drive" for a firm lumbering near Six Lakes. He was intensely loyal to his "Old Fellows," and every time he got a little "budge" in him, he instituted a raid on the town owned by a rival firm.

"Humour her," whispered Alfred, much elated by the evidence of his own self-control as compared to Jimmy's utter demoralisation under the apparently same circumstances. Still Jimmy did not budge. Alfred was becoming vexed; he pointed first to his own forehead, then to that of Jimmy's hysterical captor.

"But they do say, they has an old blud-stean ring in the family that has a charm in't; and happen how it might, the poor lass fell in love wi' him. Some said they was married. Some said it hang'd i' the bell-ropes, and never had the priest's blessing; but anyhow, married or no, there was talk enough amang the folk, and out o' doors she would na budge.

As he neared the animal he saw that two mounted Indians had laid hold of it, and were trying to induce it to follow them; but the mule, true to tradition and its master, stubbornly refused to budge a foot. It was a comical tableau, but Will realized that it was but a step from farce to tragedy. A rifle-shot dropped one of the Indians, and the other darted off into the darkness.