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And then he launched his thunderbolt, "Gault's back." The chorus of despair became one of wild delight. "We're jake!" "He'll see us through." "Where is he?" "How's his arm?" "The son-of-a-gun! Couldn't keep him away, could they?" "No fear. Not 'im. Bloody well wanted to be wiv 'is bleedin' boys, 'e did.

"Only, somethin' inside o' me, I guess 'twas my heart, kept bleedin' an' cryin' out that my boy should have been among them my little brown-eyed Willie who used to sit out in the sun readin' every minute he could get. I can see him now, sittin' there, jest as if 'twas yesterday " Her voice trailed off, and in a silence eloquent with sympathy the girls waited for her to go on.

Rainey on the witness stand, and she said Joe Rainey had come in the house and asked for his pistol, that she took hold of him and said, "You mustn't get your pistol," that he tore away from her and went up-stairs; and came runnin' down, that he went out, that she heard a shot, and then later two shots of a different sound, that they all rushed to the door and found Joe Rainey lyin' on the porch floor bleedin' and unconscious.

Hardy admonished the joker lethargically, but with a certain degree of malevolence in his weary tones. "Aw, chack it, Mac!" he drawled. "W'y carn't yer let th' bleedin' bird alone? Yer know 'e don't like that bein' done t'im. Jes' 'awk t'im tellin' yer as much!"

I run out crying, the blood streamin' down. I started to the spring, come back and got the water bucket. I got me some water and brought back a fresh bucket full. I washed my head in cool water where it was bleedin'. It bled all way back. She say, 'Where you been? I say I been to the spring, brought some cool water to the babies. I give em some I told her.

"'My Gawd! he screeches; 'th' bunk's exploded an' I'm bleedin' ter death; an' he starts yellin' like a catamount, runnin' up an' down th' gangway, an' tramplin' upon th' four shriekin', cursin', prayin' sailors who'd been attacked fust.

JIM. Orlright, old sport, you go an' look for the V.C., and we'll pick up the bits an' bury 'em nice an' deep! BILL. If this 'ere bleedin' war don't finish soon that's wot I bleedin' well will go an' do. Wish they'd get a move on an' finish it. FRED. If ever I gets 'ome agin, I'll never do another stroke in my natural. The old woman can keep me, 'er, an' if she don't I'll well 'er .

Price knocked him down for sayin' it; but he jumped up again wid his mouth all bleedin' from Jack's blow and, in a wink, before anny of us knew what he was afther, he'd whipped out his knife and drove it clean through poor Chips heart! That was the beginnin' of the row.

"Well then," said I, "I'll tell you how we can prove whether I am right or no." "How?" demanded Ben. "Why, if the tree bleeds it must be a dragon." "Bleeds?" echoed Ben, "why, my boy, ain't you mad? who e'er heard o' a tree bleedin'?" "Run sap, I mean." "Oh that be hanged, lad! Sure you know that any sort o' tree 'll run sap; 'ceptin' it be a dead 'un." "But not red sap!"

The woman stood in the centre of the kitchen with her arms akimbo a huge raw-boned creature of a rough, frontier type. She spoke at last. "Well, you're a sight!" "Been celebratin', Nell," she chuckled gleefully, "been celebratin' my S'preme Moment." "You'd better git in there and fix that feller's arm or we'll be celebratin' a funeral," the woman answered curtly. "He's bleedin' like a stuck pig."