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None of the boys knew the brand; in fact, it's bad taste to remember the brand on anything you've beefed. No one troubles himself to notice it carefully. That night a messenger brought a letter to Miller, ordering him to ship out the remnant of "Diamond Tail" cattle as soon as possible. They belonged to a northwest Texas outfit, and we were maturing them.

"Three days before Christmas we drove up this Wyoming stray and beefed him. We hung the beef up overnight to harden in the frost, and the next morning bright and early, we started for the stage-stand with a good pair of ponies to a light wagon.

According to Tom's code he was as honest as his neighbors, and that was honest enough for practical purposes. It happened that he had not killed Aleck Douglas' spotted yearling. And to be accused of the theft hurt. "Why, humpin' hyenas! If I'd a beefed that critter, old Scotty wouldn't ever have found no hide to catch me on! What kinda mark does he think I am!

Gyards is no good; they gets beefed the first volley, an' their presence on a coach that a-way is notice that thar's plenty of treasure aboard. "It's in this way Enright fills that Davis as full of misinformation as a bottle of rum. Also, we deems it some signif'cant when said shorthorn saddles his hoss over to the corral an' goes skally- hootin' for Tucson about first drink time in the mornin'.

You wanted to examine my claim, you said, and if you liked it you would engage to bring it to the attention of 'your associates' and pay me my price. I offered to bring you in here as my guest, and ever since you got off the train at Salton you've snarled and snapped and beefed and imposed on my hospitality, and it's got to stop.

"I don't care whether he's a rah-rah boy or not," said Schnitzel, "I know that's what he did when he was up the Orinoco after orchids, and if the tribe had ever caught him they'd have crucified him. And I know this, too: he made forty thousand dollars out of the Nitrate Company on a ten-thousand-dollar job. And I know it, because he beefed to me about it himself, because it wasn't big enough."

The man may be grouchy without assuming to give a reason therefor, but when he "beefs" he usually thinks there is cause for it. I knew a man who once lost a good customer just because he beefed when a man to whom he had sold a bill of goods countermanded the order. The merchant was stretching his capital in his business to the limit.

"He can only think of one thing at a time like a horse but by God he thinks straight. Hello, Dan. I'm beefed. Help Bob carry me in Dan. I'm so damned heavy an' I don't want any but real friends to touch me now." They picked him up and carried him into the hotel, up the narrow heat- warped stairs and down the corridor to his room. On the way down the corridor, Mr. Hennage sniffed curiously.

"Ma'am," he said, with great embarrassment, "I'm Snake Murphy and I was grubstakin' that ornery coyote that Louisiana just beefed. I come in to-night with that dog team and I reckon that, accordin' to law, this here claim of Jim's belongs to me now that he's dead.

Probably don't like this talk of killin'. They say he beefed Panamint Charlie, his partner, some years ago and I reckon he's a mite sensitive that a way." "He doesn't seem to know where the mine is," said Solange. "Nor do you, mademoiselle?" "Me?" said Marian, airily. "If I knew where that mine was, believe me, you'd be late looking for it. I'd have been settled on it long ago."